
Ah, man. Thanks for this. I grew up with the Hornets and it was a blow when they left for New Orleans. I was happy to see a new franchise arrive in Charlotte, and while I was never big on the Bobcats name, they were once again my team. It was disappointing to witness the four game sweep to Orlando a few years back,

There is quite a bit of overlap between racists and people who have no idea how the Constitution works.

Plank makes a great point. If Silver had any sense of decency, he'd have brought down the hammer on Donte Stallworth a long time ago.

No objections, your honor.

I'm so sorry to be the resident asswad law student, but... we need to see a definition of what "Player" and "Member" encompass. This passage, at first blush, seems to indicate just that Rule 35 applies only to "Players," however those are defined.

So there's a rule that doesn't apply to Donald Sterling and wouldn't matter anyway even if it did? Who cares?... At least you got his name into your headline right?

you mean the Clippers are coming to Seattle!?

Some people like running. Maybe you should just ignore the free articles that don't interest you? Why are you letting them bother you?

And with this, the real power to change arrives. Horrible racist? Fine. Horrible Racist that may cost us money? That is not okay.

Miami also beat Charlotte today

Did Kenny Johnson pick Memphis to upset Miami?

dunk in the third quarter of Miami's 98-85 win over Memphis.

Just shut up.

"If you are of a sober state of mind, and you enjoy listening to Snoop Dogg, then you belong in your local equivalent of rural Missouri. Or dead, dead is probably better."

Yeah, except he took E's place in the reformed NWA a few years back. Educate yourself.

Under most state statutes, you can actually steal the services provided by an event such as permits, police and medical protection, running supplies/infrastructure, concerts/medals/swag; the boilerplate theft of services language is "person obtains services, known by that person to be available only for compensation,

This kind of theft of service, like fare evasion on the MTA (the train was running anyway, and no else one was denied service because of jumping the turnstile) or gate-rushing a ballgame or concert, is legally considered larceny. These people knew what they were doing was wrong which is why they used the subterfuge of

Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is satire, and I'm being an overly-defensive idiot. But I'm genuinely curious as to whether amongst the running population, a 7 minute mile is considered very easy.

I've run it twice as a registered runner. They don't have a bandit corral. The one in the back is for non-BQ but registered charity runners.

I think the second one's name is lauren.