
It’s a mostly meaningless early July game ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Doesn’t mean it doesn’t matter to you or anyone else right now, but aside from the bizarre ending (which was great!) it won’t be remembered any more or less than most of the other 162 games this year when all is said and done. I mean, almost by definition, it’s no

There are 162 games in an MLB season, and like 70 of them are division games. This one particular early July game is -mostly- (as I said originally) meaningless in the context of the season. Damnit if I didn’t only include the word mostly because I knew some crusty ass baseball fan would get bent out of shape if I

It will forever be stupid that the Astros are in the American League and the Brewers are not, but seeing dumbass, random shit like this decide a mostly meaningless extra inning game in July will forever make baseball a great game to watch. I mean, at least until nobody plays baseball anymore and soccer and basketball

When “Let’s Remember Some Guys” goes wrong.

That was my problem with it - I understand the context behind the post and the referenced to Landon and all, I just couldn’t tell what actual point the author was trying to convey and whether or not he was doing so seriously.

It only let me star yours once :(

I totally get the reference but can’t really tell whether he’s clowning people that support Mexico or cool with it from this article even with the links to the other ones. Anyway, your username is pretty awesome.

I can’t tell if this writer is trying to employ sarcasm or not, which I guess means either I’m an idiot or this is a poorly written article. Or something else.

Either way, I love seeing Mexico do well, I love seeing Chicago celebrate Mexico do well, and I want Mexico to keep doing well in the World Cup. If that somehow

I think we need to get the Internet Steakheads arguing about how many days there are in a week together in a room with these guys and have them look at Rorsach ink blots for a few hours. Someone please record.

The evidence of how hard it is would appear to be right here in the outcome of this encounter. Not to be an asshole, but the answer looks to be ‘fucking very’.

This has to be it - otherwise, what kind of monster goes to a coffee house with one on deck like that ready to go?

The Sixers are screwed. They need to gut the team and start over. They’re so screwed.

Seriously, iTunes regularly has movies I want to own for $4.99 and is way easier to manage than physical copies of a movie, which often serve more as decorations than content anyway. A lot of them have iTunes Extras for those that want to see the featurettes that used to come on the DVD/Blu-Ray discs, too, so if

This clown walked free after all of that, meanwhile, Crystal Mason was given five years in jail for voting. Post-racial America, my ass.

Do you know how hard it is to find the remote control in bed at 7 am still drunk from the night before? And then, after SportsCenter finishes running on the Deuce, guess what pops up next? That’s right, goddamn Get Up. No thank you, good sir- Fox Sports 1 it is (they have highlight shows running all morning there,

Sorry whichever Mike you are (probably Greenie based on your handle being MSG but fuck if I’m looking up what his middle initial is) - didn’t mean to hurt your feelings but hope you understand that most people don’t care about you and that’s okay. No hard feelings, bud.

Lol - a ‘logical comment’. On Deadspin. GTFOH.

Lol- who the fuck is you people and what makes you think I’m afraid of anything? I notice that the programming sucks and avoid shitty programming. I’ve not noticed any political bias but I’m sure some snowflake would be upset enough that they saw some rifling competition (ESPN promotes guns!) or acknowledged a player

Honestly because online I’m really only going to bother with highlights of shit I know I care about, Sportscenter throws shit that I wouldn’t necessarily seek out but definitely appreciate seeing. I mean, the internet has plenty of video of mildly informed/connected personalities vomiting up sports talk, so it’s not

Hot take- shitty programming like ‘Get Up’, which I swear bumped a Sprotscenter re-air or two from the Worldwide Leader’s morning line up (whether it did or not) are what’s wrong with ESPN (i.e. why they’re losing viewers), not whatever ridiculous political agenda people swear they’re pushing when they are, in fact,