Harry Ellis

If there's any comedian from the late 80s who could pull that off, it's Phil Hartman.

The voyages we make for that sweet Laurel Canyon sound.

Uber delivers food in some cities? I don't know. It's definitely a stretch.

Resigned. Not fired, resigned. They should've had security escort his ass out of the building.

Seven Days in Hell won me over about 30 seconds in when Samberg screams "Oh, fuck no!" after double faulting.

I'll wait for the third game when they implement the Friends with Benefits orc system.

A link to the great Random Roles Bill did a few years ago:

I'm Hudson, sir. That's Hicks.

I had my charger and the bottom of my iPhone melt during a storm about six years ago. The Apple Store employee replaced the phone for free after concluding I wasn't Emperor Palpatine and didn't electrocute the phone with my fingers.

Finally finished The Last of Us! It doesn't need to be said, but what a terrific game. Great characters, story and the gameplay felt much more suspenseful than anything in Uncharted 1 or 2 (I haven't played 3 or 4 yet. Shut up, I'll get to 'em). I found the final scene a bit anticlimactic. There was character

Or I can spend that four hours of masturbatory Hollywood bullshit watching two great movies. Yes, I think I'll do that.

"Don't worry about getting pregnant, this couch pulls out."

2017: The year assholes get everything they've ever wanted.

"Scream" by Chris Cornell and "I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry" by Terry Bradshaw.

Someone better look at him and say "You're dog-meat, pal!"

"The Fifty Shades of Grey series tends to focus on…balls and…BDSM…girls. Anyone who’s ever been in an adult relationship knows…private detectives and…crackhead(s)…like…big emotional…shower sex. The sex scenes…get this shit…coming."

Season six of Buffy had a lot of bullshit, but the episode with their called-off wedding might have been the worst part.

This is going to be a shitty blowout and the Pats are going to kick ass. The only potential entertainment to be had from this game is if Lady Gaga makes a political statement during her performance to break up the gung-ho jingoistic fellatio that is the face of the NFL.

Isn't being snubbed the real reward?

or Refn/Martinez