Harry Ellis

We're going to save this site doing what we do best - annoying the people who run it!

We're going to save this site doing what we do best - annoying the people who run it!

I think I hate Ted Koppel!

I think I hate Ted Koppel!

Did you ever see the video last year of a security guy pulling his pud on the field at an NFL game during a halftime show? One of the most bizarre things I've ever seen.

He looks like what would happen if Rick Reilly became a judge on "Rupaul's Drag Race."

"Hahahaha classic Einfeld! Do cancer patients next!" - His sycophant male assistants.

How the hell did this guy ever have clients? If he said one of these things in front of me, I'd take a swing at him.

Oh, this must be that anti-humor I've heard so much about. Look at me, getting all cultured.

Hey, you didn't say you're joking.

If you think I'm going to criticize a series of movies that puts Kate Beckinsale in skin tight leather, you're sorely mistaken.

Counterpoint: She was fantastic in Love & Friendship last year.

PICTURED: Josh Brolin, in between bouts of roid rage.

[shoves Phaedrusnyc into a locker]

Gizmodo Media Group is not liable for any carpal tunnel syndrome developed by scrolling through Kinja

My understanding is that Kinja's comment order is decided by which ones Mods approve. How will that work with five year old articles/comment threads?

His album from this year is terrific, not to mention Heartbreaker, Gold and Cold Roses.

I finally beat God of War 3 and Yakuza 0. I also started The Leftovers.

If he's truly funny, he won't have to rely on slurs for humor.

Junior will tweet out every page of the seventh book hours before the hardcover is released.