Harry Ellis

I love that song by The Hold Steady about drinking.

Unfortunately, I don't have a PS3. Didn't Sony say they would put some PS3 games on the Store or is that a complete fabrication from my mind? I'd love to play the Ratchet and Clank or Sly Cooper series. Hell, I had a PS2 and I'd shell out money for some Jak and Daxter action.

All the reviews have me dying to play it, but I think I'll wait until the price goes down. My queue is long enough as is.

First and foremost, I have to fix my computer. My power supply burned out about three weeks ago after an outage in my neighborhood, so I bought a new one. Got the new one set up only to find out my motherboard was smoking. Not good. When I got the new motherboard installed, the new power supply wouldn't work. Must've

Serious question: Do you know any Trump supporters who have shown even a little remorse for voting the way they did in light of all the craziness Trump has already instilled? Because I sure haven't. As a matter of fact, most of them have been doubling down. Some people don't like admitting when they're wrong, Trump

Are we sure they don't have a stand-in at the ready like Castro?

Yeah, stop assaulting fellow Americans. Republicans only want to strip minorities of their voting rights, make sure trans people are second-class citizens and take away a woman's control over her own body. Fighting against that is nothing more than biased pot-shots.

My takes:

I'm surprised they didn't give Los Angeles a best supporting actor nomination.

I can see the surprise for Silence, but the Academy would never nominate the other four. Too indie/international.

Which is utterly ridiculous because the songs in Moana are much better than anything La La Land had to offer.

Fucking Airplane! is number 10. What a crock of shit.

When you do, good luck getting "You're Welcome" and "Where You Are" out of your head.

My mistake. Haven't seen Birth of a Nation yet. I stand by my Moana > La La Land ranking.

I liked Whiplash a lot and thought La La Land sucked. Standard love story, mostly crappy songs and Ryan Gosling's singing is pretty bad. I saw Moana a few days later and that was a much better musical.

What the hell is Jon Voight going to do? Reenact scenes from Runaway Train?

I'm a Raid fan and I managed to type this sentence without drooling all over my keyboard. Your smug condescension about a martial arts film on a page about fucking action movies is duly noted, though.

As someone who adores Nobody's Fool, the sequel was a letdown. Too much focus on magical realism and Raymer just isn't as compelling or entertaining as Sully.

"Here's my résumé and rap sheet. I think you'll see that everything's in order."

We're in agreement about this not being a binary. I know a lot of uneducated voters who went for Hillary that didn't have a full grasp on the issues. However, the racist, sexist rhetoric Trump bandied about (not to mention the sexual assault tapes) mean you can paint Trump voters as people who either encourage such