Harry Ellis

The majority of the country voted to help them. Hillary's policies would have helped these downtrodden people much more than Trump ever will. Do you really think the Republicans in the White House or Congress give a flying fuck about these people? They voted to fuck themselves over, along with everyone else, for no

I saw the word "Trump" in the headline and knew shit was about to go down.

I agree there isn't much that the guy's statement will accomplish, but her reaction is a bit strong for a tweet with nothing but good intentions. Lashing out at everyone, including people who are trying to support your cause, seems like a bad idea.

Or people who chat about inane bullshit through a movie. Why would you pay $13 to talk?

"Okay, okay. Good adjustments." MeekG

Or have Harrison Ford play young Han Solo and never acknowledge the man is 74 years old.

Good lord, how I would jack it to this movie back in the day.

She's Canadian. Not saying "Thank you" after someone spilled beer on you is considered bullying.

Zuckerberg's just a h8ter boi, Avril should say see ya l8ter boi.

I like how you came to a review of Sense8, a show bursting at the seams with emotion, to say we should quell our feelings and shut the fuck up. I imagine you attending funerals and saying, "That sucks about your grandma, but at least you didn't lose your parents, siblings and everyone you know. Then you'd be justified

He'll be there so long as there's something for daddy.

Give your followers what they want and get hologram Lynyrd Skynyrd.

She's going to put her secret penis in our mouths?

I'll agree with you on Selma, but I thought Straight Outta Compton was about as bland and aggrandizing as music biopics get.

In defense of TLBS, it has some of Shane Black's best one liners.

I served two tours of duty in the War on Christmas.

Right, it's not their fault they cast votes for a racist, misogynist demagogue. It's all because of those damn liberals.

Didn't the Jordan Schlansky segments begin during the writers' strike?

When I make a comment criticizing Kanye and Meth immediately hides behind mental health instead of condemning Kanye for this hideous action, yes, I consider that support.

You're proudly standing behind someone meeting with a fascist. But hey, he makes a handful of good songs every three years. That means he can do whatever the fuck he wants in your eyes.