Harry Ellis

Any scene with Farley's bus driver character.

Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore and half of The Wedding Singer are good comedies. A handful of gags aside, I can do without the rest.

To quote Xander Harris, "Nothing can defeat the penis!"

Keep in mind, they still employ Chris Berman and, until recently, Mike Tirico. Two men who received multiple sexual harassment complaints were given a free pass by ESPN.


She graduated high school at 31 after nobly serving as Student Council President for 13 years.


You know what's a fun game? Go on Box Office Mojo or The Numbers and name the actual good movies in the list of biggest movie budgets. I don't mean this as an anti-blockbuster screed, but most of the movies with budgets over $200 million are absolute crap, and there's a lot of dreck over $100 million as well.

You're probably thinking of Vertical Limit, that movie where Hollywood tried to convince us Chris O'Donnell is a leading man.

The guy second from the left looks like Will Forte.

There's nothing remotely genius about anything or anyone on this site (The A.V. Club). If you're not getting the response you want, go to a different site. You can't guilt people into finding your posts funny or interesting.

If the material is good like you claim, it would get upvotes. Simple as that.

Hannibal was my last NBC show. I doubt I've missed much.

I think the living would envy the dead.

Nah, they'll blame the liberal media for putting a spotlight on that poisonous thinking.

I know becoming president has been on her Bucket List for years.

The A.V. Club
The Real Racists

Sucker Punch was exhibit A, but Batman V. Superman was the conclusive evidence that Zack Snyder is out of his goddamn mind.

I'll take the disjointed, sporadically exciting Quantum over Spectre any day of the week.

I'm a bigger advocate for strict gun control than most, but wouldn't Damon on a motorcycle get people protesting about him not wearing a helmet? There's always something to get outraged about. I'm with Johnny, focus your energies on doing something about guns instead of taking down an advertisement that will be erased