
This is what happens when you announce a technical alpha with a lot of fanfare, but only invite a handful of people and allow them to stream. Other not-so-lucky people that didn’t make it in will want a piece of that pie.

Blizzard continuing to win over hearts and minds

If a stranger claiming to be a PI wanting a picture of me holding documents came to my house they would get the door slammed in their face and the hounds unleashed.

This stuff is hilarious, Blizzard looks like a adult with an inferiority complex, someone should send them a pamphlet about depression.

Nope. It’s great as it is. And the review explains perfectly why that is. 

This show should have been a SIX episodes limited series at most. It would be phenomenal at that length, instead of intriguing in fits and bursts like it is now while mostly eliciting frustration. It’s a shame, because all the parts are there and you can so clearly see the makings of an amazing series here. Who

“I’m aware they were self-imposed, and it doesn’t make the season any less impressive.”

You their hype-man or something? Aside from the first episode, maybe the second, the last season was a steaming pile of Hodor shit.

“damn that was some fine television”

You’re arguing “the script isn’t that bad! these things didn’t derail the episode!”.

Time constraints? It was a full year between seasons.

What in the cinnamon toast fuck were you watching??

That’s like saying someone roasted an amazing Thanksgiving turkey considering the fact that they only had 15 minutes to do it. It might be inedible, but you’re still going to give them credit. That’s rather kind of you, really.

I like that theory; It seems that you’ve put more effort into considering Drogon’s motivations that the actual writer did. All it would have took to apply your headcanon to the actual scene was to show Drogon looking at Jon, and then Jon looking from Dany to the throne with that weary look of disgust that’s usually on

Shooting yourself in the foot and then running a marathon does not mean you are impressive. You’re still the fool who shot yourself in the foot.

What are they paying you for these glowing reviews?

The final season was hot garbage no matter how much you try to sugar coat it.

I’m aware they were self-imposed, and it doesn’t make the season any less impressive.

I just read the screenplay for Pulp Fiction, and now reading this... I’m trying to find a word stronger than “hacks” but struggling.

You do realize that the time/episode constraints were self-imposed, right?  Martin wanted to keep it going.  HBO wanted to keep it going.  D&D said no.