
Like settle down Logan Roy.

Let’s see your legacy.

Can’t seem to find the part in the article where he disagrees with you? Like they immediately took the shit down, they know.

I see more comments such as yours, defending a billion dollar corporation.

I feel like an F minus is more fitting.

I know this comment is years old at this point, but you must be so damn happy with how Michael turned out! I know I am.

I know this has already been said over and over again but man seeing only 17 comments on this big of a show is really sad. Tiny subreddits for unknown shows like Baskets have more activity. Kinja killed this site. On Disqus this would have had 200+ easily.

I mean literally if a guy stabbed his wife everyone would want him to serve years of prison time, it’s wack. Stabbing someone is some serial killer level shit. You’re unhappy, you leave. I mean it’s not like he even abused her he was just annoying. I get that they’re all the worst but that’s a bit of a stretch. I

I just read on a reddit post that apprently one of the writers was JUST hired to help with writing season 3 (probably editing the already mostly finished scripts)3 days before the cancellation. Seriously something weird or big must have happened. This makes no sense. AGHH

Oh my fucking god you have just ruined my life. I did not know they cancelled People of Earth. WHYY. THEY ALREADY HAD IT WRITTEN TOO?! WHY. LAST THING I KNEW WAS THAT IT WAS RENEWED. FUCK

I’ve read somewhere that the later episodes were filmed in warmer climates, which kinda makes sense.

I read your comment 3 times before my brain finally recognized the missing “of”.

There was a place where you can connect your disqus account, it didn’t do it automatically it was some special link you had to click on to merge the accounts. If you go back and find the original post from the day they migrated you might be able to find it.

Where is the grade?

They would have to have been squatting a lot longer than 2 days to have any rights, I believe it needs to be at least a month, minimum.

Better Nate than lever.

I love when people bring up my favorite new show. People of Earth is way too good for it to be so unheard of. That and Trial & Error are the two shows I make everyone watch.

I always wondered why people were iffy about season 3 of Community, obviously everyone liked it more than S4, but I thought it was by far the best.

10 comments. On a new review. Site is looking pretty sad. :(

Realistically they could just pay someone 10 dollars an hour to go through the archives and edit the grades, it’d probably take 30 hours tops, but I know they don’t really care about archived stuff, just what’s new and click-baity.