
No late model GM body on frame SUVs? weird...

I read the back cover and the spark notes and watched the movie adaptations, THANK YOU.

This clearly wasn’t written by FancyKristen

Elon to the NYT:

Talk about a HOT LAP!

I think the super long lease/loan terms coupled with the fact the modern cars are more reliable, by and large, are responsible for longer ownership. Plus, I think anecdotally, cars prices are rising faster than median household incomes, which would lend (pun intended) itself to people having to take out those longer


What if there’s 2 people crossing? does it go cross-eyed >_<? Or the opposite of cross-eyed <_>?

semi-annoying-but-livable stage

I applaud the brave engineer/designer that first suggested the 6-way tailgate. The last time I suggested a 6-way I got slapped in the face.

Honest question, are you still of the same opinion after these new camera angles? I would also suggest looking at the angle in the comment on this post. IMO, it clearly shows that Alonso’s car was rotating towards Leclerc head

Show me a driver dying, and then show me that exact same crash with the halo and the driver not die, THAT’S ALL I NEED!

Don’t show this to McMike, or whatever the fuck his/her name was.

I prefer to underpay for heavily used cars. I call it, “The David Tracy Method”

Found the truck douche!

And I thought girls’ pants’ pockets were useless...

Glancing at Fuelly.com, comparing the 5.3L Silverados with just gas to those with Gas/Electric, the electric ones seem to have better averages. CAVEAT: there were 1173 results for gas only and only 9 for gas/electric.

lol Chinook just hovering over Pebble Beach “IGNORE ME! CARRY ON WITH THE CAR SHOW!”

And then, 10 years later, you and your “family” will be asked by the CIA/FBI/US Shadow Gov Agency to help save the planet from nuclear disaster by 1 or 2 evil crime lords.