No late model GM body on frame SUVs? weird...
No late model GM body on frame SUVs? weird...
I read the back cover and the spark notes and watched the movie adaptations, THANK YOU.
This clearly wasn’t written by FancyKristen
I think the super long lease/loan terms coupled with the fact the modern cars are more reliable, by and large, are responsible for longer ownership. Plus, I think anecdotally, cars prices are rising faster than median household incomes, which would lend (pun intended) itself to people having to take out those longer…
What if there’s 2 people crossing? does it go cross-eyed >_<? Or the opposite of cross-eyed <_>?
semi-annoying-but-livable stage
I applaud the brave engineer/designer that first suggested the 6-way tailgate. The last time I suggested a 6-way I got slapped in the face.
Honest question, are you still of the same opinion after these new camera angles? I would also suggest looking at the angle in the comment on this post. IMO, it clearly shows that Alonso’s car was rotating towards Leclerc head
Show me a driver dying, and then show me that exact same crash with the halo and the driver not die, THAT’S ALL I NEED!
Don’t show this to McMike, or whatever the fuck his/her name was.
I prefer to underpay for heavily used cars. I call it, “The David Tracy Method”
Found the truck douche!
And I thought girls’ pants’ pockets were useless...
lol Chinook just hovering over Pebble Beach “IGNORE ME! CARRY ON WITH THE CAR SHOW!”
And then, 10 years later, you and your “family” will be asked by the CIA/FBI/US Shadow Gov Agency to help save the planet from nuclear disaster by 1 or 2 evil crime lords.