Your pay may be on a sliding scale from month to month, but your student loan payments never will be.
You’re story is basically Romeo and Juliet.
Since with leases you only pay the depreciation, if you buy an exotic/classic car that INCREASES in value, does the leasing company pay you?
Maybe this is just an alternative to the “do you know your name?” or “do you know what today is?” questions:
I mean, it’s still H-D we are talking about. They haven’t been exactly “cutting edge” in any technological space for some time.
I’m sure we’ve all tried
I’m not going to wade into the debate as to whether or not a motorcycle map screen is sacrilege
Don’t act like we aren’t going to see these sideways and into a ditch/tree 30 minutes after taking delivery/leaving a Cars and Coffee.
That’s not how averages work.
1st Gear:
Do you have any pictures of your bikes?
My guess: Tradition/meaningless link to a “stock” care. I’ve heard the anecdote that the rims are the only things that are basically unchanged since the start of NASCAR
Can’t you combine 2 and 3? You pick someone up against their will, put them in your trunk, and then charge them rent!
Can we talk about the 30% of people who think that their driving record affects their credit score? It’s astounding the financial illiteracy that’s out there.