Someone My Co-Worker Actually Commissioned a Surfboard With a 24-Karat Gold Trim to Pair With Their Rolls-Royce
Someone My Co-Worker Actually Commissioned a Surfboard With a 24-Karat Gold Trim to Pair With Their Rolls-Royce
Pretty ingenious!
It’s the same kind of joke like when I “joke” with my wife about having a threesome: “I’m just kidding babe!...unless you’re into it...but if not, TOTALLY JOKING...but if you want to...”
Shit... enthusiasts*
One of the cars has 43 miles on it and the other has 77
They better beef up the catch fences.
you easily could.
WHEREAS, he could of just set up a sling account for $25 for blue or orange and added the sports package for $5 bucks which has the PAC12 network and watched the games on any device in like 5 min.
I thought that was so you could wear them and return them? I’ve never done it because I’m not a terrible person
unless someone dies riding one, there won’t be a peep on Jalopnik about them
hahaha if that were any more spartan, the speedo would just be a needle that points to yes/no for moving/not moving.
Quick! Someone set up a bicycle start-up in Spain!
“You’ve got the Datsun 280Z of weed eaters and you want to go trade it for a new Camry,”
Well at least they are setting reasonable expectations
Would you rather have this or $17.5 million worth of bruschetta?
Yes, Uber and Lyft are what make urban cores less desirable places to live...
Hey now! I’ve evolved to be a cube MAN.