
Reasons to not move to Texas:


the other 40% was trying to stop Jimmie from winning another championship.

110 - your age = the percentage of your portfolio that should be stocks

This was just a political protest demonstrating the fact that fences/walls do not work. GET IT OFF MY RACING BLOG!

Keep the Honda.

Ok, I’m an idiot. And also can’t edit. Thank you for the clarification.

When we’re talking standard consumer trucks, “heavy duty” is automaker vernacular for three-quarter (2500) and one-ton (3500) vehicles. This refers to the minimum weight the trucks are rated to carry in their beds, also known as payload.

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T-boned? Really, Tina? If I recall correctly, YOU rear-ended a parked car, but nice try.

So I read “hot foods” as spicy hot, I’m an idiot and thank you for posting this so I could know the difference lol

Just below....


If that’s your reasoning, just buy a hayabusa and have the best funeral ever. Just remember to wear a helmet if you want an open casket.

My car is probably dealer ready....Buy Here Pay Here Dealer Ready that is.

JFC, what an asshole. Mix was a little watery it seems.

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that helicopter clip wasn’t a glitch, the camera’s shutter speed just synced up with the blades.

I honestly thought it was carpet at first.