I’ve seen popcorn ceilings, but never popcorn floors.
I’ve seen popcorn ceilings, but never popcorn floors.
Little shocked that the ages aren’t reversed, just a little though.
We had one of these when I was a kid. I googled “LEGO picker upper” Here is a video of questionable quality that sorta shows how it works.
Stupid engineers and their redundancies.
And even when we’re not sexting
orAND eating tacos or whatever, we’re bad at that.
He’s gotta have the best trash talk.
MotoGP riders used to rub potatoes on their helmet shields for wet races. Heard a commentator once say it on the air, says he used to do that trick “before that rain-x stuff was invented”
It’s nice of them to put a jacket on it considering how cold out it looks.
Freaking LOL at 7:13
That bag must be so light, look at that carbon fiber stripe, probably pretty fast, too.
Since it’s a rear-drive car, the front tires really don’t need to be as wide as they are
Yep. My thought process usually goes
Heavy, I think, because the Silverado is made of
PUREroll-formed, high-strength STEEL.
HA! I honestly didn’t even watch to the end of the video, that’s awesome.
“JESUS CHRIST!” -Truck driver
When the holy spirit tries to do the same thing.
Are steelies allowed?