So hell has frozen over? I have a high school crush to call...
So hell has frozen over? I have a high school crush to call...
“If you could lift this boat out of the water, and pump the water out, it would probably float.”
Not a single dick/ball joke? Univision must have laid down the law.
What a stupid fucking article, she’s running for president, not trying to be a CEO
I know where to go if I want to see sick stunts.
Uh, how is improving the on field product (or, indeed, preventing it from getting worse) not going to produce more money?
Or maybe it’s the “older” players retiring because they don’t want to be a CTE riddle vegetable when they get older.
So these assholes don’t get anything for this potentially dangerous series of events, but Ryan Newman (who is (was) in the thick of the Chase hunt) gets a 15 point penalty for a fucking laser violation? Fuck you NASCAR.
Played bar trivia one night in Charlotte and one of the team’s named themselves “My safe word is keep pounding” They won best name.
Anyone else listening to Pure Imagination at their desk trying not to cry?
more like half a billion lost, AMIRITE?!
So I played Journey, and I don’t quite get why it’s so loved. Can someone explain why to me? I get that it was a fun little game to relax and play, but it didn’t seem too extraordinary to me.
Step 1: Panic.
Did he say actually say this? Or did he tell his mom, who then apologized for him?