
You mean when she ran slower than the winner?

Being as you sound knowledgeable in the subject, do you think Kerri wearing a GIANT WATCH on her left wrist caused some of the bad passes? It seemed to me that there were at least a couple that shot to the right that hit her in the wrist area, or is a watch not that big of a deal?

Where the hell is Bobcephala?!

Nope, it was either cancel the game or allow the fans to invade the pitch.

The track was wet, makes it a little more forgiving when sliding across it.

I don’t get it.


oh, yep, you’re right! Sorry captinsafe! I’m an idiot and also can’t edit now.

clearly designed for stuntin’, as today yesterday’s teens say.

So why didn’t he shake hands? If “that shit stays off the mat.”

A helmet like this will help keep your eyes on the road, while simultaneously obscuring your view.

YES! 3-legged race, potato sack races, egg toss, all of them!

I already have the Gold medal winner

Now playing

Even birds understand that you can’t fly on roads.


We’d take the gold in the folding table suplex

Yet, somehow, we’re the only team that made it to Rio.