
Wouldn’t all that open credit help your score? Assuming you’re not using it, your credit utilization % is going to be really low, which is good. The only thing it hurts is your age of credit, but that’s not a huge factor.

“Is that tennis ball in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? Oh, it’s a tennis ball? Ok.”

Cars have gotten bigger! Water is wet! Fire is hot! More at 11.


So it’s basically like real life and E.T. contact?

isn’t the line “it seats about 20" mean it seats about 20 people? that’s what I always thought.

Tesla to the masses: “So our autopilot killed one guy and saved another, soooo we’re good, right?”

I thought this was pretty cool when Gizmodo posted it on Thursday!

I’m gonna read this later.

I usually try to do a drink an hour, assuming there is food. My body can metabolize a drink an hour without me getting sloppy.

Now playing

When it comes to chugging beer thrown at/to you from the crowd, nothing will ever, EVER top this.

Wait, why does the Joker have a tattoo of Florida next to his eye?

I did not.

Was his first match against a Brazilian fighter?

I got one of these calls. I was really worried at first, but then I learned that I was a descendant of a Zimbabwean prince who had just died, so once I get my inheritance, I will have no problem getting the IRS the iTunes gift cards they need to settle my debt.

Nope, this dog did.

You’re right, Title IX should be repealed.

“As long as the rent is paid, you’re being safe, and there’s no criminal activity going on, it should not be an issue...

Judging by the defense, it’s clear that Bieber and Fisher play instragram-ball on the same court.

CalBear is not talking about minorities, (s)he’s talking about protected classes, which just so happen to minorities.