How hungry are they? Related: Are the the condoms flavored?
How hungry are they? Related: Are the the condoms flavored?
That episode and the one where Fry goes back and can talk to his mom in her dream, fucks me up every time.
they say the 2 happiest days of boat ownership are the day you buy it and the day you sell it burn it for the insurance money.
I have about as much sympathy for him as I would for Peter Thiel getting cut off on the freeway.
The uneven bars over water is actually genius. If they touch the water it’s would be noticeable (point deduction), if they fall the chance of injury is significantly less (belly flop), and then the dismount could be handled like diving (splash). I’d watch.
“He means everything he says,”
3 paragraphs in a row that end with “right under their/our noses”
“No, shit”*
Sounds like me and my wife, ZING!
Give her another try, her hair was in her face.
Also, according to the first video, the training camp is going to take place underwater, which I think is very impressive.
Well if this article is to be believed, it’s not the racist form of tarbabe, is such a thing exists
oooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. thanks for that.
Damn, this reminds me of when DuPont dropped off as Jeff Gordon’s primary sponsor.
well the MLB can’t let the NFL have all the CTE fun.
Fair. At some point self preservation has to come into account, it just doesn’t kick in for me at NASCAR tracks apparently.
good luck attending a race any any oval track. That’s a good rule for rally type racing, but there seemed to be a good amount of buffer between the track and the stands. You usually don’t expect a car to go dead straight into an already compromised wall, that said, accidents happen.