
Man, that was a real dust up.

And if he can’t reach those heights, I’m sure 5'10" would be willing to help.

compared to his disappointing brother, Moon Yue.

Dude won an NBA championship, check that off the ‘ol bucket list. He’s probably going to climb Mt. Everest next.

fuck, i always misread and mix-up sexiest and sexist so your comment had me so confused.

probably to mellow out the engine and make it less revy (revvy?). So it can be more tame on the street.

Stef, Did you catch the gestures that Clint Boyer was throwing at Trevor Bayne after their spin at the end of the Brickyard 400 yesterday?

the footage was probably a little grizzly

It’s most likely a titanium headed decision.


Whatever, man.

If you didn’t quote Bob’s Burgers or talk in Bob’s voice playing this game, you did it wrong.

Well if they were magic, Casey Chan would have already posted a video and 2 sentences about them.


but she has a degree! FROM ART COLLEGE!

and sometimes “behayviour”

He’s lucky it wasn’t a dong.


The kid from Up sure has grown up.
