

What. The fuck. is there video of this incident?


Damn, and I thought the NBA refs were crooked.

“If you build it, Mexico will pay for it.”


That’s gross. That shit was on the ground for well over 5 seconds.

I was mad at you at first, but then I saw the MLB called it an RKO, so I apologize to you.

That’s clearly a Stone Cold Stunner.

Charge? Or was he inside the restricted area?

it is possible to just arrive at the cars and coffee exit and normally, like a mother leaving daycare in a Sienna.

Ok, but...has anyone asked if the almonds are happy?

@ 0:43, the lady in blue is the highlight

can you blame him for being angry? DID YOU SEE HOW LONG THE WAIT WAS FOR THE ‘FROZEN EVER AFTER’ RIDE?!

While I respect what these guys (and gals?) can do with these cars, if the car that crosses the finish line first/with the quickest time doesn’t win, it’s not racing.

Luke warm take.

That’s a whole lotta words to say nothing at all.

I like the white guy next to her who claps like he just saw his favorite golfer just make an 8' putt.

Well I’m sure he’s only fed up with the Jets at night, it being Ramadan after all.

Good eye?