
And why does he look scared of the ball, I thought that taught to players 1st day of tee-ball.

Why the FUCK would you go for the catch AND leave the bag? One or the other.

Will they have to change CPUs during the race to make it “fair”?

I agree, women are stupid.

The opposing coach laughing in the first video is the best part.

I would but I don’t think I can hold my breath for 16+ minutes

home is where the heart is we run out of gas

BUT what if the car is an RV? :D

Check. Mate.

Bees are good. Hornets are bad.

Caps are only mandatory if you interpret the first rule of the dress code (“All players on a team shall wear uniforms identical in color, trim and style”) as applying to them.


Willie* ;)

since you edited the original post, i can see why manufactures wouldn’t want to call it a firewall, but it’s always going to be called a firewall to me. That said, if an engine catches fire, i will vacate the vehicle.

ummmmm why?

They did go to digital because they stopped making the teams put all 5 lugs on, then NASCAR was like, “LOL JK” so now they have to put all 5 lugs on (after fining Tony Stewart mind you) so the officials have to look for that and now stuff like body slamming the side panels.

hella flush, yo

Any of the Bills’ Superbowls, please?

So did you and Kevin purposefully use the exact same material in your posts?