Clem Fandango

Suuuuuuure. That’s possible with 1 actor, about 1 plot line. But this seems to be a lot of actors, talking about a lot of disparate plot lines. And again, to my point, they probably feel strongly about it, because they are heavily incentive to NOT feel that way and yet still end up expressing it.

I mean, the writing by committee/studio notes/compressed timeline were all on display in S6 and S7, and they didn’t have GRRM source material either, but both managed to do great episodes (winds of winter being an amazing episode), even as the seasons as a whole were not great.

Agreed. I often go back to Winds Of Winter, which included 2 big plot points that a LOT of people saw coming, but both were executed damn near perfectly and thus super satisfying. The reveals, the room each moment was given to just BREATH in space, the actors given space to react and emote and bring to life a plot

It’s really hard to write a smart character when your writers aren’t smart.

You also need to remember that these people are PAID to like it, promote it, and act as if every decision were a brilliant one, meticulously thought out.

Yea, it’s not that the show isn’t worth watching, it’s just dropped in quality throughout from amazing to just good. It started out near-perfect, and as time went on and source material ran out and D&D stopped caring and wanted to do other stuff, it become just like everything else.


For all the “IANAL” responses, here is what the supreme court says on obscenity laws. Note, there are federal obscenity laws, only state/local ones:

I don’t think people are shocked by anything other than how poorly it was setup this season. The major plotpoints are from GRRM, and they aren’t bad plot points, they are just HORRIBLY executed.

I disagree with one part - I don’t think they could figure it out even if they had 10 episodes. I don’t think the writing staff is up to that challenge, and thus they cut it out entirely.

I love that the show chose the long night to show us how much the fog of war affects a battle.

Uhhh, aren't those two things on the same end of the scale?

I’m more pissed at the senseless Jaime double heel turn, which was both unearned in service of nothing.

lazy writing giveth magic crossbows, lazy writing taketh away magic crossbows.

Not calling it 9-1-2 is a crime.

“Tell the IT team to rub cheetah blood on the mail servers, we’re about to publish an article about Trump, Boston, female referee’s and Christianity.”

It’s not about volume of punctuation, it's about the quality of the punctuation!!!!!

damnit. i made the same joke without checking. hat tip...

either way, i can still pee in the tub right?

They were already skirting ridiculousness with their use of crossbows, which in the show are essentially bolt-action rifles. In reality they have wind up cranks or foot holds for very strong men to pull back. They were very powerful at punching through armor, but slow as shit to reload compared to bows and arrows.