Deadspin pre exit was between 16-20 million hits per month. January,after 3 months without a post, it was 2.5 million. Vici deadspin has been creeping up from 1.5m to 2 million per month since relaunch.
Deadspin pre exit was between 16-20 million hits per month. January,after 3 months without a post, it was 2.5 million. Vici deadspin has been creeping up from 1.5m to 2 million per month since relaunch.
I abide by these averages by drinking once per month and getting totally sloshed. Averages out to a drink per day.
I personally like polar opposites, staring Ewan McGregor and a baby goat. THEY COULDN’T BE MORE DIFFERENT!
Jesus, you guys don't even proof headlines anymore? Quality control at G/O is exceptional.
Agree on the wasted talent. I wanted like 100 more joint chiefs scenes. Having putty say “Take. That. Back.”was one of my favorites.
*Sees Jeep run over humans*
His was the ending that made the most sense for his character and journey. He did the incredibly hard task, to his own detriment, and on this case his punishment was exactly what he wanted: a quiet life in the north.
It was like watching chess being played at a master level, and then when the pieces run low, the Masters pick them up and start going “pew pew pew, your rook is dead, pew pew, I shot your bishop, this piece of pocket lint is now king, i win”.
The rep added “come to think of it, we barely pay them at all!”
How do you know that's the car? Could be a skateboard or a lamp. No way to tell.
I mean, that was the point right? Stringer thought he was smarter than everybody else. He thought thugs like Omar were dumb and could be handled with a bounty or turning him against another killer. It was his Achilles heel and Avon told him exactly that before he confessed to killing D.
The driver doesn’t know or care. The idea is DD is attempting to gain market share by selling $20 pizzas for $16 by burning through VC money.
There’s one step they didn’t try, which would have been best. Add a topping no one wants for $20, like sand, and ordering 10 sand pizzas on grubhub from yourself.
$300 for a mini fridge? Whhhhy?
$300 for a mini fridge? Whhhhy?
Thoughts and prayers is the best standup special I’ve ever seen. Unfortunately fire in the maternity Ward is mostly a rehash of T&P.
They sit in the passenger seat and play with the radio incessantly.
“The Reserach Platform FLoating Instrument Platform was originally built in 1962" - this is some quality editing.
Special Ed student here, we've been completely abandoned. There is no reasonable way to teach a special Ed student from home. Schools are pretending to teach from home to meet the minimum guidelines. They should have just cancelled school and attended during the summer.
But like, will you be able to go get, prep an setup the RV in your driveway WHEN you are under a quarantine order? This is the concept behind preparing, doing the hard work BEFORE the problem.
In Florida it’s definitely the latter. They’ve been pretending it’s not a big deal for a while. I don’t get why since an abnormally large part of their constituent base is high risk retirees.