Clearly he was telling the truth, he had tears in his eyes. Sure, when he dabbed it with his handkerchief, it stuck to his face, but that’s not relevant.
Clearly he was telling the truth, he had tears in his eyes. Sure, when he dabbed it with his handkerchief, it stuck to his face, but that’s not relevant.
My kid chews on banana peels like jerky and I thought the same thing, but it's apparently total edible and fibrous. Quite good for you as a snack. And not uncommon outside the US.
Indirectly. We have to pay the cops first.
Right? Why would he assume that because the train station is working that the train station is open?
God no, not since the late 90s. they ship them in. Also, a huge number of local bakeries near me don’t make any bread, it’s all shipped in.
I assume you mean “didn’t” commit?
The only thing that would be more uncomfortable than Adam Levine’s nipples is a broadcast where they blurred out Adam Levine’s nipples.
Back and to the left?
I mean, Chevy wasn’t critical to community, and the timing of his exit was more why the show dropped off than the loss of Chevy. He was the most disposable piece.
Yea, those aren't slaps, he is using the heel of his hand to punch his opponent and thus dominating. Which, come to think of it is why we don't have slap competitions.
I’m shocked how OK Subway was with some of the stuff on community, given how much they were spending. Eat Fresh!
because it doesn’t exist!
Underfunding is bullshit. It's prioritize other stuff over this, and then say they are underfunded. Give them another 200k and they'll add a traffic cop before they run those rape kits.
That is not the case. Most are from the last 10 years. It's a funding and prioritization problem. Why test rape kits when you can buy your department a new APC.
Welcome to modern policing. My local (very well funded police department, we have 6 boats, 2 striker armoured personnel carriers and more toys than you can count) showed up to my home burglary. No one was hurt, but there was a crystal clear fingerprint on my TV, which I keep religiously clean and was clearly too heavy…
You nailed it again!
I think you have “your opinion” and “objective fact” confused. One, is like, your opinion man. The other, in your case, is also your opinion.
It was rhetorical rephrasing of your question. Everyone has their own level of laziness. You get to draw it wherever you want. But you look lazy to other people, while other people look lazy to you.
Is taking your kid inside the restaurant that much of a chore that you’d rather wait behind 5 cars?