Why does no one ask the trumpy-question on his line of logic. “Mr. President - why did you make a weak person your personal lawyer?”
Why does no one ask the trumpy-question on his line of logic. “Mr. President - why did you make a weak person your personal lawyer?”
Yes, BK just straight up gave-up on any quality standards. Their places look like shit, and their food seems to be days or weeks old.
Shitfountain was the name Cleveland was going to use before the PC police made them go with “Browns”
The cardboard box is the perfect porta potty. Slap an amazon return shipping label on it and the problem just goes away.
core story, sure, but they legit ripped off whole scenes and concept art. It’s one thing to use a well known story arc. It’s different to recreate the look and feel of a movie and just change the main character by 1 letter.
I’m just as enticed by a free toy now as when I was 5, so, case closed.
Look at the NFC East. He does not need to be stellar to make the playoffs with this team.
Does all that door-opening every 30 minutes matter? Seems like that makes for a very inconsistent temperature.
agreed, and subsequently, more nathan fillion.
“ our bodies are unceasing shame factories”
God i love this show. But I’d really appreciate:
If you like REALLY dark humor with a slow burn, it's amazing.
Also Patriot returned for season 2 recently, and it's phenominal.
Silicon Valley was great, but it's run out of gas. It's time to close up shop and move on.
I’m rarely a fan of escalating on-court shenanigans into actual courts, but that’s assault.
you are technically correct. the best kind of correct.
No. you are not offsides if the balls is passed backwards to you. If you are PASSED the ball AND the last defender, you are offsides.
Normally I’ll sign anything that calls for tighter t-shirts...
also, its way more expensive than your average house brand. But if your shopping at whole foods, you don’t really care about price.
Fun fact - Kirkland bought the old Grey Goose factory when Grey Goose moved into bigger digs, and uses the same recipe. For less than the cost of smirnoff, you can be drinking Grey Goose.