911 Dispatcher: “Who did you see masturbating?”
911 Dispatcher: “Who did you see masturbating?”
Ok, so there is a top 15, and a bottom 15, but there are presumably a lot of airports in between not listed, correct? IE, #16 didn’t just barely miss the top 15, right?
Is this... a list of 30? Or is the numbering just really confusing?
Spoiler alert: this isn’t a regional thing.
The men held a sit-down at the jiggle joint
Don’t let the salaries fool you, they are still 20 year old’s, and several of them were not rich as fuck until only recently.
Your not supposed to have the best comment on your own article. You gotta leave us something!
Lol, if you want people that are obsessed with the finer points of brewing and selling beer, hang out with marketers
same as any drink-ticket event. Borrow the ID of a pregnant woman or the guy who goes to a lot of “events” in a church basement.
I mean, depends on the industry. In marketing, we frequently have 4-5 beers at lunch on Fridays, and continue to work in the afternoon. I think 4 beer limit is fine. But puking at 5? What are you, 16?
My dad always said “the day i can’t do my job drunk is the day i turn in my badge and gun.”
Reviews are not great. 3.4 stars on Amazon with a lot of people staying the hinge snaps like a twig.
Reviews are not great. 3.4 stars on Amazon with a lot of people staying the hinge snaps like a twig.
Legit question - how do you get a banner this big past security?
This needs to be a pawn stars/storage wars type reality show.
Go home Kavanaugh, you’re drunk.
This feels like the exact opposite of my personal experiences. Maybe I just have shitty burger kings around me and good McDonald’s.
Not relevant but, I was at the game, and for unexplainable reasons, it was a dirt cheap game. There were tons of face value tickets on the secondary market leading up to the game. I saw a ton of people holding paper season tickets having trouble finding their section, so I assume they had been locally resold. It was a…
The key is to just take the dessert and start eating it and carry on your conversation as if they weren’t there. Make it clear they are embarassing themselves, and your just here for the cake.
Here is a better question - Why, when faced with the prospect of an active shooter is ANYONE worried about what fucking gender a student is? Wouldn’t you just, I don’t know, find ANY SHELTER REGARDLESS OF THE LITTLE STICK FIGURE ON THE DOOR?