Clem Fandango

Oh, no question, but fuck any fan base that is booing their returning world champions off the field before they’ve even lost a game since becoming champions.  

Didn’t he though? I’m a Pats fan, everyone hates Pats fans for being spoiled crybabies, but at least we had a handful of rings and the greatest QB of all time before our fan base turned into connoisseurs of our own farts.



I definitely poop more even though I’m eating less and dieting and have lost weight.  It’s definitely not a 1 to 1 corelation between quantity in and frequency out.


I went to the preseason game against the Redskins. Maybe 50% capacity, at best, as is expected for such an early, shitty preseason game.

They publicly stated we aren’t nice to disabled people!  I’ll show them by shooting at disabled people!

Do you think printers take each work, scrutinize it for trademarks, then call up the company that owns them to doublecheck if the work is properly signed off on?

I’m only going by the article, but you’ve got the first part backwards.  Pownell tried to shoot Jones, but Pownell’s gun jammed.  Then Pownell fixed it, and shot Jones in the back.  The article doesn’t state that Jones ever attempted to shoot Pownell.

Got back last week from 4 days in santa Monica for work. Holy shit. There are 5 at every street corner, knocked over and blocking pedestrian traffic. If you go 3 blocks, you'll step over 5 scooters.  I saw a guy standing front kick one into the road at 2am. They were a complete nuisance. And 50 on the ground for every

i definitely say him catch a break.  that’s what killed him.

I must be jaded, because I’m shocked this wasn’t a prank/setup. It just seemed too specifically designed to go viral to be true (how many houses have a doorbell cam, that a woman who just broke out of restraints happens to walk up to, but doesn’t stay long enough to be found?).  It just seemed like the perfect setup.

Honestly, this is the kind of republicanism I’m ok with. “we don’t like marijuana, so let’s release statistics showing negative trends.” Fine!

Right? Render the fat ones, use the oil to confit the skinny ones. Maybe use a smoker or a sous vide to keep them moist

What’s the Nat Enq get out of this?  Do they get promises, money, future stories, or just friends in high places?  

see there it is. You start with the trolling, but then you just flame out. It’s a shame, if you stuck with it, you might have gotten that bit of anger that trolls live off of. Why else comment on days old material to call someone an asshole, if not to pleasure that part of your sick brain that likes pretending your

you’re not even good at trolling. You’re constantly breaking character. If you’re going to pick a character, you need to stick with it! Otherwise you give away the game.

better a thief than a troll.

Also assholes: you, everyone else.

Try it again, but this time put more of a pause Matt and Berry.