Clem Fandango

I’m sorry... But I like this person.

not if your dead.

Because DVD’s look like shit to compared to anything in HD?

“Don’t ever get old. Don’t ever get rich.”

Quit humble bragging that you are able to get erections.

No, “theft” is called making people clock out and continue working. “Taking out the trash” is called compensation for hours worked in the form of material goods.

Naw man. “I showed them” is reserved for putting your “bonus” in trash bags and making sure your the one “taking the trash out” in the evening.

You laugh, but I did EXACTLY that, and Dad gave me the job! Clearly people made up this thing called “privilege” because they are jealous of my grit.

You have to be at least 1 hole behind before anyone is serious about rate of play, and that would be near impossible to do on the second hole. And this is a golf course, they have seen way way way worse shit than this. I worked at a really fancy course in CT when i was in my teens. 90% upper crust business men, but

Those are all smaller departments. But more importantly - those are departments the president would love to see destroyed entirely. The agenda for Trump’s EPA? Get rid of the EPA. Trump’s agenda for education? Privatize education. Trump’s agenda for the Interior? Sell all federal land to oil and gas companies.

There were dozens of Nazi references, including several scenes with ACTUAL Nazis on the screen.

This is also what happens to my butt after 3 plates of flaming cheese.

I’ve always wondered if these people don’t have fireplaces? I mean, seriously, just pretend you play hockey, and haul a big bag inside every few days with your skates and a stick, then crank up a nice big fire in the fire place. Aside from getting rid of a little ash, problem solved.

Totally agree. It’s good for all conditions the same way a little morphine will make your arthritis go away.

Everything before Season 3 = probably pretty good.

Is there a conspiracy theory that liberals are hoarding all of the punctuation keys, preventing conservatives from using them?

I don’t want to get this guy down, but how is this useful AFTER you get to the booking screen? You’ve already hit the gotcha-price increase and know what the total is. You need this information before the booking page, or it really isn’t useful, its just dividing total by days without doing that very simple math.

Right. Just like everyone your paranoid about probably isn’t actually something to be paranoid about. But that doesn’t mean you aren’t paranoid.

I know the sarcasm is subtle (it’s not), but please re-read the last paragraph (you won’t).

I loved the backlash that zack and miri make a porno got just for have the word “porno” in the title. Kevin Smith had some good lines in that.