Clem Fandango

How I’ve felt all day as a Pats fan.

This deserves more stars.

I highly doubt that Vistaprint was taking a moral stand. They would make Satan’s business cards if he paid for embossing.

The best legal defense money can’t buy.

It’s cool, you put down a $50 deposit on the child.

Where is what can essentially be called “Zack tries to create a date rape drug” episode?

You would make an excellent chef for drunk people.

Yea, i don’t think he is, but I’m also struggling to come up with a name to prove he isn’t.

The fricken white house didn’t deny it. I mean, fuck. Why even bother lying after that.

Well done sir.

Hmmm. Does anyone sell garage-door sized stickers? If so, I’d like one printed with this picture of my just-cleaned garage on it.

My mother-in-law and i got into a vicious fight about this. We ultimately agreed that the purpose of an HOA is to protect my mother in law from living next to people like me.

Oh, too bougie to go to home depot and wrap some Tupperware bins in duct tape huh?

What’s your major? “agriculture”. What kind? “Um, closet?”

Great joke from Crashing.

At the moment, you can still be fired for testing positive, even if you have a medical condition and associated medical card. It is still illegal federally, so you have no legal protection, including from things like DHS and the like. Until Fed law changes, it will remain this way.

If it’s consensual, its not assault. He didn’t say “rubbing their penises on other people” he said “rubbing their penises on each other”.

Well, guess what, he’s a piece of shit!

Oh yea, there was a ton of dumb homo erotic shit that occurred. But it was always CONSENSUAL dumb homo erotic shit.