Oh yes, the best way to prevent a terrible HOA is to be involved in your HOA. HOA’s aren’t evil, they are as smart, dumb, good, or evil as the people that make up the board. If you’re one of them, it will hopefully be less stupid.
Oh yes, the best way to prevent a terrible HOA is to be involved in your HOA. HOA’s aren’t evil, they are as smart, dumb, good, or evil as the people that make up the board. If you’re one of them, it will hopefully be less stupid.
It may not, if it violates an existing law, or the language of the contract.But this isn’t a given that it does.
You also need to remember that a law firm did this on contingency. They had no hope of getting paid without a settlement or victory. So, all the hours they spend, and there were a lot, were at a high risk of never being paid for at all.
There are also a ton of rumors that he’s gay right? I’m not saying these rumors are mutually exclusive. But if you told me a year ago that there were lots of rumors about Franco’s sexual conduct, I’d have assumed something different.
You see how its wildly unfair to compare a used vehicle and a new vehicle right? I get that there is a small EV used market, but cmon. You need to at least compare apples to oranges and not elephants.
It does not. The board presumably is the one that implemented this rule, so they are already in agreement (or majority agreement). The contract hasn’t changed.
Yes, exactly. I don’t understand why people think I’m pro-HOA. I’m deadset against HOA’s, I’ve just seen so many people who drastically underestimate the power they have.
Everyone knows modern cars require a careful re-ballasting before each voyage.
naw bro: a weapon means any instrument, article or substance.
Here is where that is illegal in my state:
I was on a Condo board, and I’ve seen quite a few HOA documents, and they are very specific, and usually written to give them as much power as possible. I’m not saying it’s ironclad, but its not going to be easy to convince a judge to let you out of a contract like this.
Yea, there are laws against assault. It doesn’t matter what you use as a weapon, it is still assault.
“i would say this isn’t legal”. Lol, thats all I need man. Thanks. That’s actually exactly how the law works. You go in front of a judge and say “i would say that what I did was not illegal.” and you get to go free for murder.
Huh? HOA contracts essentially give them power to pass their own rules, and enforce them through fines/liens. If their rules are against the law, say banning black people, then could/would be sued and their contract would be unenforceable. If their rules are legal, and within the language of the contract they have…
Sure. That’s how the law works. Why not? I forgot about the “anytime i feel unsafe, I become immediately right in a court of law” law.
1 - Look at an HOA contract, or talk to the thousands of people that have liens, or lost their homes to an HOA over grass height, cars in driveway, or open garage doors. The regulations the HOA enforces aren’t in the contract, only that you cede authority to the HOA to enforce the regulations that the HOA board…
They end where the law begins. You can’t contractually obligate something that is illegal. And where they end is where people would refuse to sign them. That’s the only way they change.
Oh definitely. Use the tools at your disposal. There are options available, you just need to figure out what they are and not try and pretend the law is on your side because you feel something is unfair.
Your argument is a moral one, not a legal one. The law would get really muddy if both sides of a case are arguing theoretical examples. It easier when a case is “this guy got denied, this is what he was denied, here is what the person who denied him is saying.”