you think a lot of people who experienced world war 2 are still alive and projecting it on the author?
you think a lot of people who experienced world war 2 are still alive and projecting it on the author?
Yea, but no one believed him because intentional or not, its clearly there.
Vader was a developed character before Palpatine was introduced, and Palpatine was drafting off the evil setup by Vader? Vader actually had strategic thoughts and succeeded in his tasks, where Ren perpetually fails? Palpatine’s death was the ultimate act in Vader’s story, after setting up Vaders loyalty, repeatedly.…
But Tolkien’s hatred, fear, paranoiai in real life was entirely about light skinned people. LOTR is a fantasy interpretation of his experiences in WW1. His making evils dark colors is less human-skin overt racism, and more the casual racism of his time. (of course he was racist, he was born in 1892. The most…
Can someone also mention that its just a gritty Alien Nation ripoff? Cause it sure as shit looks like a gritty Alien Nation ripoff.
I asked a cop what that parking sign meant once, he said “up yours, kid.”
I think it’s fair to say a huge part of the difference between them is the audience their catering towards.
I absolutely agree. But if it were a movie, it would be even more disappointing. It’s narrative climax was weak.
This is clearly a troll job, I can’t believe outlets are buying into it. Even Rotten Tomatoes says this is fake.
“i defeated disney” was an obvious lie, but “im behind millions of fake bot comments” isn’t as obvious. Rotten Tomatoes is saying that is ALSO a lie. This site chose to believe it because it Jives with their narrative.
This feels like a troll job. His phrasing sounds more like what WE interpret those idiots motives to be, than what they claim themselves.
Hard pass on any “blank of the month” club. These are a blatant cash grab disguised as a “connoisseurs” gift.
I think the Lootrain from GOT should be on here.
I wouldn’t jump on the fact that financially smart people put a tv up to $8,000 on their credit card to save 15%. Financially smart people? They a 4K and wait 2 years when these TV’s will be 1/4 the price.
I wouldn’t jump on the fact that financially smart people put a tv up to $8,000 on their credit card to save 15%.…
I seem to remember he was also shooting at the torpedoes bearing down on the shuttles and shit. At least he was sitting in the command chair with controls that can actually do some stuff.
1 poorly built car? No. Ongoing manufacturing problems with every model and unrealistic production timelines pushing them out the door anyway? Yup.
Yup, looks like i was 3 days out of date, and they changed a lot in the last 12 hours. Doesn’t seem like even the people voting for it have fully read it yet.
Honestly, I would have been fine with him leading a small resistance base that’s behind an imperial blockade or something doing a little holochat. I just love me some Lando.
What you’re describing is called “owning a company”, and you can try to claim it’s wildly unfair, but that is how the system is intended to work. Companies are not people, and people are not companies. Companies get taxed. People get taxed.
Is this rule for “retirement savings” or “non-retirement savings” or “all savings”.