Clem Fandango

on the way into the theater, i was defending him, saying he’s a decent actor, he just wasn’t given anything to work with, and he would be better in this move. And OF COURSE the first finn scene is him bumbling around the hallways in the futuristic equivalent of a leaking diaper. I could not have been more wrong.

“Among the complaints of the last jedi are:”

The related stories module already has 3.

Definitely the best moment of the show.

actually, he his plea for the stick incident included a guilty plea for hurling rocks and racial epithets at African-American school children. 

“No fackin idea where he gets it frawm! I used a stick!”

we all fackin know where his fackin kids learned those fackin words.

He’s a shitty parent because he’s Marky Mark, and every day he isn’t in prison is a sign to his kids that their is no justice in America.

There’s nothing “wrong” with leaving early. the NFL is a form of entertainment, and anytime its not entertaining to you, feel free to leave.

We don’t need backstory for the sake of backstory, we need a reason to give a shit. With Palpatine, we gave a shit because he had full control over Vader, he had shown he had impressive powers (first guy to ever use force lightning, had lured the rebels into a trap, was using Lukes daddy issues against him to make him

They gave Vader plenty of screen time to show his power AND his control over that power. He had forced choked to death several people by the time he bowed to palpatine. The big failure of the first movie was SPECIFICALLY not put on Vader’s shoulders, he repeatedly warns his people not to underestimate the force, and


Don’t even start with me about Lando. Billy Dee Williams killed that role. You know it and I know it.

I don’t really see the insufferable anti-TFA assholes as any better or worse than the insufferable pro-TFA assholes. They are the same people, with different opinions on a movie.

Why don’t you step inside my office, i’ll close the door, and we’ll talk about it.

Cut the entire casino scene. I mean, seriously, its a chase scene over a parking violation that honestly doesn’t look any different from a regular casino/racetrack? Cut Benicio del toro, and then cut him again for good measure. After he leaves the set, tell him he’s hired back, and cut him a third time.


Thank you. Fully agree.

So, the scene in TFA about a ship abandoning Rey as a child was another red herring? I don’t want answers for the sake of answers, I want answers because TFA spent much of its time making these things mysterious. I don’t need to know who Poe’s parents are, because there were never any hints that was relevant. We

That’s not what most independent tax experts are saying. They are saying it helps high-ownership cost businesses (ie, for rich people with a lot of capital) that have relatively few employees: