Harrison Grey

I think that, ever since the Arrowverse started getting a cavalcade of spinoffs, they’ve been more careful about what characters they adapt for minor parts or a one-off story, since it’s wasting a resource that could be used later. (In the early seasons of Arrow, practically every character was given the name of

I kind of took it as the show runners leaning more into their own ideas since the success of Beebo, though you’ve got me wondering if they’re restricted by DC in any way. I don’t know if it matters that the Legends team has no real comics equivalent, which may mean there’s no set pool of characters to draw from (as

Dude. He wasn’t being literal. “Falling off a truck” has long been a way of protecting a source or covering up for theft.

If they’re considered abandoned after 2 months, that’s the same for the cargo, so they can check out what's in the containers, right?

Person of Interest is one of my all time favorite shows. John was like my 9th favorite character on it, but he was fine. The av club reviews and forums for it were great, after they got over their annoying decision to drop coverage during the first season because the reviewer thought it was just a boring procedural. 

While his intentions may have been good, I think we all know Snyder is incapable of following through with a good movie. Also, why does he think that Ryan Choi can’t be Chinese, his story Chinese and still be completely an American? That’s part of the problem right now is idiots can’t accept that.

Goddamn, they went in hard this week. On everything.

it’s g.i. joe, what did you expect?

Those two aren’t in competition at all: they’re completely different approaches. MST3K is about finding funny riffs that can be sustained throughout the entire run of a bad movie. Cinemasins is about taking any movie, good or bad, and nitpicking it to death. MST3K makes bad movies fun. Cinemasins drains the fun out of

like Cinemasins

I’m absolutely amazed no one has shown any love for RiffTrax in this discussion. Although you do not have the same outlandish sets of being “trapped” in space, the jokes of RiffTrax are way more on par with the original series and retain Mike, Bill, and Kevin (the original cast) making it a worthy successor to

So White-guy writer still has his superhero film, but Black woman writer & Asian guy get theirs pulled. Got it.

What the hell is wrong with you? To wage war on such a benign insect is just ridiculous. It’s once every 17 years FFS. Enjoy the wonder of what is a harmless emergence of an insect vital to the food chain!

The “everything is a subscription” model that’s been growing and growing for the last 20 years needs to die yesterday.

Hopefully it’ll have a little Jet Li in dreads.

Kinda wish it was Gordon Ramsey & The Realm of Cthulhu

I bet it's literal. They're all hanging off a cliff that is massive. 

He’s been allowed to expand the movie to 4 hours, but nevertheless it ends on a cliffhanger. that’s just perfect lol

(especially after harley quinn: Birds of Prey sucked so hard)