Harrison Grey

It’s not lost on me how fortunate I am in a world full of turmoil and tragedy/nor the unfairness of life; that I prevail while others struggle. 😞....... ps to celebrities/ rich people the “well off”. We don’t wanna see how awesome your life is on social it’s not the time nor the place at present. Get a clue.

I know you need the seo, but the headline is slightly misleading. Purcell says he's got one more year which is next year and there is no indication yet that s8 will be oked. We've all seen actors reupp contracts after saying differently and it's frankly too early to say Purcell is done next year.

More Legends of Tomorrow is up there with great 2021 news!

All this talk about bringing back Killmonger, but I’m interested in seeing more of M’Baku even if it was in a solo film.

I’ve been pacing back and forth about this film and its implications in how viable stories from ASEAN will fare to Westerners who want something new and its effect on SEA creators, including ones here in the Philippines. On one hand, I have faith that Pixar has woven a brand new-enough world that respects the source

Because if they didn’t, then there wouldn’t be awesome scenes of the giant monsters smashing the jets as they fly by, and the pilots ejecting out seconds before.

Umm, the history of almost every kaiju movie ever made disagrees with you. You need some humans at least to be the perspective character, provide narration, and have at least some semblance of a plot.
Sorry, I know you may be doing a bit, but I get a bit annoyed by people who seem to sincerely believe that the only

Classic private company making a situation a bigger deal by getting salty about it. Just tell him to change it and it’s literally never discussed. Now it’s A Thing. Solid work!

Is Wonder Woman 1984 a genre movie? It is, right? Because that’s not just one of the worst movies of the year, it’s one of the worst I’ve ever seen.

Damn; I was just coming here to say that Soul should have done just that. Recast Tina Fey with Tiffany Haddish / Lizzo / someone else.

Joe had to stop being Joe to appreciate his life because he only wanted his life back so he could return to not living it. The transformative nature of him being put into a cat doesn’t remove his blackness because the center of the movie is still a black man’s voice and a black face onscreen almost 100% of the film.

I’m just glad that they didn’t get Tim “The Tool” Allen to reprise his role.

But Patrick Warburton was right there!

Or, as the great Laurie Crosswell put it: 

Chris Evans will replace Tim Allen as Buzz Lightyear in Role Improvement.”

It was originally going to be John Waters, but halfway through filming the first poop scene, Kathleen Kennedy sent them a firm “Nope.”

That is an often-asked question, and the most consistent answer is: If the “Arrowverse” has gotten away from you, the best reason to come back is “Legends of Tomorrow”.

Legends of Tomorrow starting with season two is the most fun hour-long show on television.

Arrow S5 was near S2 in terms of quality. Six was uneven. The finale was good but it was 10 episodes primarily as a lead up and epilogue for Crisis.
The Flash. S3 was bad. S4 was boring. S5 was boring. I’m caught up but it needs an Arrow s5 moment to regain momentum.
Supergirl. S1/2 good. S3 bad. S4 started bad got

it is so fucking Disney to pat themselves on the back for a glimpse of a background character who may or may not have been nonbinary.

As a Gen Xer, can I say that I still like you crazy Millennials far, far more than the Baby Boomers.