Harrison Grey

Gotta say, I really think this is the strongest episode yet. I like a lot of where this is going, especially the fact that Ollie seems to have a conscience character that will be shaping him more into the version we know (Digs so far). Also, gotta agree with what was said about Moira and Walter; as much as I

I like this one okay, but it definitely should have the mouth lines from Titans. I'm also still hoping, however futilely, that they'll get Ron Perlman to dub his lines.


Whoa, whoa, you're joining Cracked, Rob from Topless Robot is joining this site; it's like my bookmarks bar collided. What's next, Simply Recipes on Comics Alliance?

I'm not crying out for the ab window version, because I see the ridiculousness of it (although it is what she was wearing in all my favorite Huntress comics, so it holds a special place in my heart) but I don't think that other versions of her costume are too much to ask for. If the show is so obsessed with looking

Okay, writers of Arrow, rule number one in assuring your audience that the changes you've made are okay; don't insult the original and try to convince us it would never work. They appear to be confusing Huntress's costume with the costumes from 300 (which, by the way, did excellent at the theater when they adapted it

And a special shout out to the Time Machine episode of Wishbone. Morlocks, man, Morlocks.

I'm assuming it was Talky Tawny and that it deemed her unworthy to bear the mantle of the Wizard. I'm also taking this as a sign that Captain Marvel is out there somewhere and I will be severely disappointed if this is not confirmed by the end of the season.

I'm both happy and disappointed with this episode. On the bad side, we finally get our first out and out, legitimate supervillain and they kill him off after two lines (and no mustache). On the good side, we got to see future Canary kick someone's butt, which is really the reason I've been watching this show this

Ah, well that makes it a little better.

I totally agree with that, but I believe he is still credited as a producer or supervisor or something, it means he likely has some form of input, and we might as well hope for the best out of it. He is still a good film maker, and he did manage to break down all the characters in his Batman trilogy to a pretty

This episode didn't mention any dead, angry cop dad just said at the end of this one that he only "hurt people" not killed them. Since earlier in the same episode he took the opportunity to call Arrow a killer for his one confirmed kill (maybe three if you include the other kidnappers who were killed by their own

And I stuck with the New 52 for an agonizing 8 months; I'm worried the same thing is going to happen here.

As far as characters getting individual movies, I'm with you; I think plenty of the Justice League characters could workably spin off from a team up movie into individual franchises. However, I think some buildup would be better, my idea is a Superman and Batman team up first and a solo Wonder Woman so that Justice

I believe the only confirmed kill is still one of the kidnappers from the first episode. It obviously looks like he's killing everybody (mostly because of the whole shooting sharp metal into their chests thing) but the pilot went out of its way to say he only put the bodyguards "in the hospital", and at the end of

Maybe it's the (over) acting, but he kind of grates on me. I'll grant you he seems to operate like a real human while everyone else is operating off of CW logic, but I can't get over his "I am a cop therefore I must talk like I'm from Brooklyn" method of acting.

Gotta say, I love the sarcasm dripping out of these reviews. The show is worth keeping up with just for these.

Ah, well sometimes things do work out.

One the one hand I'm all for the Annie Edison/Sawyer combo showing up again; on the other hand I still want Sawyer to play Wildcat in my period piece Justice Society movie that will obviously never happen.

On the one hand it's awesome that there are two Dazzlers. On the other hand, it must be kind of a buzz kill to go as a more obscure character only to have another person going as the same obscure character (I say based on the time I went to a local con as Ted Kord, only to be upstaged by a girl in a better Ted Kord