Harrison Grey

I like that Katie Cassidy at least knows (and uses) the real names of these characters. Hearing an actor refer to Green Arrow (and Black Canary, c'mon guys make this happen fast) when even the writers of the show aren't doing that is kind of an odd experience.

I'm actually not familiar with Drakon. When they said his name I was vaguely aware that this is a character from the comics, but even so he wasn't the villain, Adam Hunt was (an original character, I believe). I also didn't see the next episode teaser. I am giving this episode the benefit of the doubt seeing as it

I was disappointed, but I'll admit most of my disappointment stems from the fact that Dinah Lance was not Black Canary. An early, but spoiler free review said the episode ended with an "aha moment" regarding her character, and I was convinced it was basically a post credits scene where we find out Star(ling) City

I'm the lone person in my family to not yet have read Shades of Grey, and I plan on it, but I heard the ending is very cliffhangery so I'm waiting for the next entry to come out (at least). But his style and humor are right up my alley, so the Thursday Next books have been a boon to my personal library.

Wrinkle in Time is definitely on my "pick me up" list. Dune, not quite. This could totally be me, but the realism and politics of the thing removed me from any major catharsis I might have gotten at the climax.

I absolutely loved the concept of time travel without space travel. Altering the history (of a different country) from one location was pretty fascinating, and it all came together so well.

I haven't checked this out yet, but I definitely will now. If it's as good as described here, I wouldn't mind seeing the whole trilogy. I'd love to see A Swiftly Tilting Planet translated visually.

I previewed (ie: pirated) like two thirds of the issue ones and chose a couple out of those to actually follow legitimately, but I only lasted a handful of issues until I dropped each one. My official point of no return was actually World's Finest #1. I made it to the page when they said Helena Bertinelli was dead


Wait, is Krypto not dead now?! That's the first good news from DC I've heard in ages!

After quitting the New 52 in total frustration 5 months ago, let's go ahead and check back in to see if it's improved at all with the newest batch:

"We want out stories to be rooted in reality, like they could happen in the same world we live in. It's not that easy with Superman". Yeah, this sounds terrible. Superman is an unrealistic character, he needs to live in an unrealistic world. Shackling him with realism does nothing but limit what you're able to do

Now playing

I don't really have anything useful to add, just this.

Pssh, we saw this happen in animated form on the Magic School Bus. And I've been terrified of starfish ever since.

Christina, I trusted you!

I'm sorry, but did you just compare 3rd Rock from the Sun, the brilliant John Lithgow's seminal masterpiece, to this The Neighbors tripe? My word, I am outraged.

I'll just say I freaking loved Gail Simone including her in the All New Atom. I don't know where I knew the character from before (likely scrolling through DC characters on wikipedia while bored), but I was incredibly entertained when I saw this random, extremely obscure character show up in the middle of Ivy Town.

Reminds me of a (serious) book (about racism) that we (were forced to) read in high school English class. It took the time to actually compare a girl's eyes to "two cool blue tractor beams from the Starship Enterprise". Enterprise was in italics, of course, because this writer was a damn professional.