Harrison Grey

I am severely disappointed we didn't get to hear the Doctor Who theme spaghetti western music-fied. Justice League Unlimited did it, and it was awesome on toast; the fact that Doctor Who didn't is a missed opportunity of epic proportions.

I really don't want any Independence Day sequels. And it's not because I dislike the original, nay, apart from pretty much any scene involving Randy Quaid, I pretty much love the original. It's just that I love it as an excellent B-movie, from a time when Emmerich and Devlin were actually good at making B-movies.

As regards the Star Trek title, I was discussing it with my (fellow grammar nerd) sister yesterday. I pointed out that, using Trek as a verb, the title could be a command. Like, "you, why don't you go ahead and star trek into that darkness over there."

If I thought Muse had copied me during their Showbiz through Black Holes and Revelations, I'd be like, "Yeah, that stuff was totally me". If I thought Muse had copied me in their Resistance through present day phase, I'd keep it to myself and find a new direction in my work.

"It's a new take on the Huntress that no one has ever seen". No, please no. Please, just make it the comic book, preferably Gail Simone take that we already have seen and already love. You have no idea how happy I was when I heard Helena Bertinelli was back after she was (stupidly) killed off in the New 52; don't

Maybe it's because it's felt like we've had kind of a bad streak with most of last season, but I found this episode a bit mediocre. It had some moments that rose to great, for sure, but way too many moments that I just didn't need to see at all and dragged the whole thing down. I didn't need to see Rory's dad talk

Where did the Wonder Girl bit come from? The original Vulture article gives no indication that it features teenage Wonder Woman, just young in her career as a superhero. Even their comparison to Smallville sounded speculative, as opposed to based on specific comments by Heinberg.

On the subject of "Oswin"'s conversion, anyone else get the feeling there's more to it than just the nano cloud at work? I was under the impression that it was a Dalek (or Daleks) that scanned her and detected genius, and made the decision that she needed full Dalek conversion for their cause. But that would require

There is a scene pretty darn similar to Monsters vs. Aliens Golden Gate Bridge scene in an original series Doom Patrol comic; so similar that I'm forced to call direct reference. A fight breaks out between a giant robot and a giant woman with the Golden Gate Bridge (and the woman's human sized teammates) caught in

Holy, hell, I hadn't imagined what an excellent choice Brad Bird was. I want this to happen, now.

As far as John Barrowman is concerned, I must simply reiterate my stance that I hope to God it isn't Stanley Dover Sr. Please, just no.

I demand full series. Seriously, I would watch it and buy all the DVDs and merchandise.

So you're telling me if enough people see Cloud Atlas, then the guys who made Speed Racer might get Justice League. Previously, I only wanted to see Cloud Atlas, now I feel a moral compunction to do so.

Thank you, this is exactly what I was thinking on this whole matter. I think the vitriol between both parties, and that's what's causing this huge divergence between the two trains of thought. Just listening to Bill Nye here, he uses words like "denial" of evolution, and "claim to not believe" in evolution; this

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Looks like my favorite Disney Channel original movie was a little ahead of its time.

It is sad that Wonder Woman's most hilariously bad villains get the most press, because within her lineup are enough villains that reflect parts of her personality to challenge Batman's rogues gallery. It's been argued that Batman's villains are the best because they are challenged to aspects of Batman, like Joker

Is anyone else getting the feeling that putting the Doctor in "a perfect prison" is going to be Moffat's "Okay, we get it now" recurring motif, similar to Rose making the Doctor mopey every time she was vaguely referenced or hinted at in the Davies run? Asylum of the Daleks looks great so far, but as soon as I heard