Harrison Grey

So, is Once Upon A Time not even close to pretending that it uses traditional fairy tale characters? I haven't seen it so I don't know any more than the occasional casting news, but between Maleficent and now Mulan, they're apparently just saying fairy tales when they in fact mean Disney catalog, right?

Part of the deal with Scott Pilgrim, I think, is that the effects looked so good because they were in context. The movie was extremely cartoonish, so less detailed, less realistically animated special effects were completely appropriate. It's like cel-shaded graphics in video games; cel-shaded graphics can look much

True, and I understand that. But there's really expensive spectacle and less expensive spectacle. Scott Pilgrim was made for about 60 million dollars (not counting advertising), which is no small sum for little old unemployed me, but it was by far the cheapest of the big expensive summer movies that year. The

I really wish Hollywood would start making some lower budget superhero movies that don't suck. On the one hand, yeah Catwoman and Jonah Hex. On the other hand, Scott Pilgrim. Scott Pilgrim was one of the cheapest comic movies they've done in recent years, and frankly looked better than many of the major leaguers

I will never, ever, ever understand (and probably never experience) the need for depressing fiction. Life makes me want to go back to bed and hide, I don't need my imagination to do the same.

I love how you read that the movie is "wildly convincing" and then you realize that was just a description from Animal Planet themselves. Then you read it again from the news source reporting on this, so it must be true, and then you realize that this time it's from Animal Planet's sister channel. Who have

I'm infinitely pleased that the first character Feige mentions is Rocket Raccoon. It's about damn time that a Giffen created (or I should say co-created) character makes it to the big screen.

Now onto the important question: is there any way DC can get to the copyright on this character and make a trade off for full rights to the Captain Marvel name so we can finally put this Shazam BS all behind us?

Really, Dark Continent? Really? You've got giant monsters at your disposal and you're just going all Joseph Conrad with it? You're going to make us sit through dark introspection about the follies of man as opposed to, oh I don't know, making a legitimate giant freaking monster movie?

This does defeat the whole purpose and strategy of Rock Paper Scissors. Let me know when it can accurately predict how many cycles its opponent is thinking ahead and can beat them using their own strategy against them. Then I'll be impressed. This is merely technically impressive.

I am still unclear if Jack the Giant Killer is a remake or not. There was a Jack the Giant Killer movie (I recently saw it as a Rifftrax live), and there's likely a bit of remake going on between the two projects; the new one does however seem to be taking more from the Jack and the Beanstalk story (the last movie

Screw Prometheus, this is what happens when H. R. Giger challenges nature to a horror-off and Giger loses.

As a Christian and a person with vaguely cryptozoological interests, I'd just like to say this is ridiculous and stupid. I may enjoy both these things individually, but they are completely distinct and totally unrelated, and I can't even see how there's any real logical connection between the two. I personally

If they go humorous ala J.M. DeMatteis, I am all for this. Those shorts he wrote as backups to Doom Patrol were great. I just fear that goofy bordering on nonsensical is not the direction the studio will go with this.

Ah. After he voiced the perfect iteration of Green Arrow in that awesome short, I connect him with the side of good. But that did not feature his gaze at all.

Wait, this isn't a cosmetics commercial? I saw the whole thing thinking, sure it's throwing around set pieces from Bill Nye but that doesn't make this MAC commercial "godawful".

Really? It might be that I'm operating with a different exposure to the guy, but when I think good guy Neal it's Dum Dum Doogan and vaguely his character in Timeline (which was well acted in a mediocre movie). Bad guy Neal is M. Bison, and nobody wants that.

I'm not actually certain which side we're supposed to root for, but I have a feeling this movie will be either good or bad dependent on whether Neal McDonough is the good guy or bad guy. He's done decent protagonists/good guy side characters, but every time he tries to be evil, his performance, and the movie, suffer.