Harrison Grey

I know seriously, at one point it was all "Yeah, we're doing Godzilla, and he's probably going to fight King Ghidorah or someone equally awesome," and now it's all, "Godzilla, what Godzilla?". I want my giant monster fix, and if Toho's intent on this hiatus, then the Americans need to step up to the plate.

I don't really have anything useful to say here, I just wanted Charlie to know that delicious Where It's At reference didn't go unnoticed.

Sweet characters seem so rare today, that losing any of them makes me sad. Justice League Wonder Woman was acceptably rough and tumble whilst still managing to be upbuilding to others on occasion that I was willing to go with it. Once you get much past that, though, I lose interest.

Yes, she is, but the interpretation of fictional Amazon culture was hugely different from what's typically associated with the word. The original author intended Wonder Woman to be basically the superhero equivalent of peaceful conflict resolution; this was his goal in creating a superhero in the first place, this

Love the design on Wonder Woman, but I am sick of the over emphasis on rough, badass warrior on her. Can't we just have a Wonder Woman who wants everybody to get along, like originally intended?

Am I the only one sick of the idea that the diamond-S logo is Kryptonian in origin? Did Jor-El have a requirement that whatever planet his son be sent to have a positive sounding word that began with a letter which in their written language was identical to his family crest?

Funny thing is, I've been saying for almost a year now that Red Hood and the Outlaws should be about a punk rock band that fights crime in between shows. I would totally read that version of the comic.

On the subject of Slade, anyone else notice that the arrow in the mask and the background of the shot seem to indicate that the (first) match up takes place on the island? Slade is a mercenary, after all, could he be the one who crashed the boat in the first place?

Yes, but certain similarities will cause the same outcry, and regarding similarities they can control, the less there are the better.

Okay, full disclosure, I'm pretty darn sick of origin stories. A few characters could have really good ones, but many of the DC characters don't need them. If Flash, Green Lantern, Aquaman show up in a Justice League movie as established superheroes, I'd be perfectly fine. Even Wonder Woman, one of my favorites,

That's pretty much what I have in mind. The Superman Batman relationship is a pretty strong one that could stand a movie all of its own, allowing them to focus the lesser known characters in Justice League that could get the public interested in characters they don't know much about, launching solo franchises.

That is a difficulty, and it's part of why I think a crossover movie is actually a good place to start with DC. The individual build ups worked well for Marvel, because if all the characters are done accurately they'll mesh pretty close to perfectly. But DC characters weren't made with a crossing over universe in

I'm in agreement with others here who say they'll be accused of ripping off Avengers. My personal choice for direction would be a Superman Batman team up first. Superhero teams in other media are still relatively open territory, and Avengers is the first crossover one of them. But superhero/buddy cop stories have

You know what, if this fails to connect with young, modern audiences, then screw young modern audiences.

The pilot left me wanting more, I just hope that it can avoid certain mistakes that vaguely threaten to rise in coming episodes. The big thing is that, while I appreciate the sci-fi politics, it risks being too on the nose. Illustrating modern political problems with a dystopian future is an easy way to turn it into

I never thought I'd say this, but that right there is an appropriate use of Ladder Shades.

Did... did someone in Hollywood start finally reading my mind? This is uncannily similar to exactly what I'm looking for in a movie right now.

We're not talking about the American remake. Let's just make that very clear here.

Yeah, pretty much. Those movies, all of them, even the really, really good ones, are built upon several of the foundations that make up bad movies. And yet, they are ever so delicious.

I have about a doen Godzilla movies that would beg to differ.