Okay, even if Dinosaurs on a Spaceship is not an actual episode title, they need to drop everything right now to make this delightful fever dream a reality.
Okay, even if Dinosaurs on a Spaceship is not an actual episode title, they need to drop everything right now to make this delightful fever dream a reality.
I'm not saying she can't have a love interest, it's just that I'm fairly sick to death of superhero romances that I'm totally okay if they just don't focus on that at all. It's the stupid idea that the studios have that the long running form of comics don't allow them to ever solidify a romance that annoys me so…
I don't have any problem with the Amazons with each other, I was just pointing out that the popular reasoning (one which could potentially lead DC to decide upon Wonder Woman as the new gay one) is faulty on account of her personal relationship with all the other Amazons.
Young Justice hasn't been very high on my list til the last couple episodes of last season. It had been too angsty for my taste and spent too much building, which was getting tiresome. But once that building started paying off, it really started paying off. Also, Blue Beetle and Barbara Gordon have me genuinely…
I can't get behind Before Watchmen enough to heal my pain from this relaunch. Nothing DC related is healing my pain. The closest is Young Justice, and it's only now reached the point of simply not furthering my pain. At this point I don't think things will get better until the next reboot.
I know. I'm running the potential major characters they might be talking about, and the most likely all seem women for that very reason. The whole relaunch has been aimed toward men, and they've consistently rejected almost all opportunities to appeal to their female audience. Something tells me this is going to be…
Well this is partly my point. The current Wonder Woman is practically a Bizarro Wonder Woman in regards to how much of what the original version of the character they're using. This is also the third completely different version of Wonder Woman to appear as the current, ongoing version of the character in the last…
I'm really hoping it's not Wonder Woman, because she's the character right now who most needs to focus on a consistent persona that encompasses what's made her popular over the years. I also highly suspect it will be her, because the one thing DC's been consistent about when it comes to Wonder Woman is completely…
I almost hate to begin what very well could lead to a flamewar, but I honestly don't think it's that important Prometheus get an R rating vs. a PG-13. The level of what's acceptable in PG-13 has gone up since Alien, and I'm fairly certain Alien by today's standards would either be a hard PG-13 or a very, very light…
Yes, exactly, thank you. And on this subject, I do have to add, sometimes this is a good thing. A character may have occasionally gotten stale doing the same thing over and over again (like, say Batman at the end of the Silver Age), and in that case a writer with little respect for the norm and who does whatever the…
I understand Morrison is capable of great comics (All Star Superman, obviously), but I also recognize that he's one of those writers who's completely okay with reading his own bizarre ideas or interpretations into characters, and writing it like fact, regardless of history. Sometimes it's Niles Caulder turning out to…
Really? Did it get funnier after a while, because I read the first 7 issues and stopped because it was more of him moping around because Ted Kord was dead. I mean, the issue where he met Guy Gardner was all about father issues, for both characters. There was a little situational humor, but when they decided that…
Yes, this. All the way. I want the tone of this show to skew Kieth Giffen way more than Geoff Johns.
They've already done Starro; it seems like as a creature, Starro itself is in pieces right now. It's still possible, but I'd rather see more aliens that haven't already invaded in other series.
"Lobo arrives and he's the harbinger of an alien invasion". Oh please be Manga Khan! If there's one thing that could cut the angst and make Young Justice a much more pleasant show, it would be Shop or Die.
Robert Pattinson trying to act like a cocky rich boy is giving me serious Pip from Middleman vibes. Just sayin'.
One, I and my entire family love Speed Racer. It's kind of tied with a couple others for my personal favorite.
At first glance I thought so, but the clips go by so quick I wasn't sure. Love it.
Yeah, I've been enjoying the story overall, but there is a section in the middle that is straight up Batman losing that did go on about two issues too long. But the ending pulls it together. If that's your biggest concern, I don't think it would be that big a problem by the end of it.
At the start I'd have said totally, but the large amount they're trying to incorporate the Court of Owls into the backgrounds on characters is becoming a bit exhausting. The writing is strong (if occasionally taking too long, but that's just how comics these days are), and the artwork is superb, but I'm not…