Harrison Grey

Is this the same as that project from long ago called Snow and the Seven? That project was around for longer than any of these other Snow White movies, and was supposed to be the first director's role for Crouching Tiger cinematographer Peter Pau and I thought Zhang Ziyi was at one point attached, but if this is

Her problem in Brave and the Bold was the show's C-list format prevented her from showing up early, but when it got to 3rd and final season, Superman is famous enough they knew they had to make an exception and give him a full episode. This seems to be Wonder Woman's problem throughout her career. She's in an

I see what you're saying about the disconnect. The point where I started being a bit more okay with Blackest Night was when they zombified Superman at which point I thought "Oh, they're definitely undoing all these deaths, if Superman's one of them." Although, that turned out not to be the case, so screw that story.

To me, the artwork is good enough (and the costume close enough, compared to other versions) that I can get past the migraine. That, or the last reboot and the David E. Kelley pilot sucked all the migraine I have left and this one just makes me sad yet wordy.

Yeah, that itself almost worries me. If the next reboot of the character puts her back into George Perez or Gail Simone territory, than all is well. But the next reboot could seriously be anything. This current reboot came after a year of the previous reboot, and we didn't get a hint of the real Diana in between.

I'm honestly torn here. This ongoing title has been good as a story, but I hate it as an adaptation of the character. I am a fan of Wonder Woman because unlike almost all the others, she has always been about trying to resolve conflict peacefully if possible. Even more than Superman, she's been about being kind and

Possibly, and I wouldn't be opposed to that if it were the case, but considering it's based on a book with Mars in the title (more accurately 11 books, 10 of which have Mars in the title), attempting to make that be a surprise seems kind of an odd choice.

True. I suppose it was the line referencing the state of affairs of today's modern movie that felt a bit derivative. Perhaps I inferred too much into it, but it didn't seem to view the lack of development in characters in a very flattering light, and I think that's a commonly held criticism that I don't always agree

I'm not sure how much I like the implication that the "pulp aesthetic" is the same as "tits and explosions>character development". To be sure, Burroughs didn't develop his characters as deeply as other writers, but what his stories lacked in emotional depth they made up for in an interesting and engaging plot

Of all of the details they spell out for you, where this takes place is still not one of them. Seriously, why do they have such an aversion to letting us know this takes place on Mars? This "our world/their world" crap is getting rather bothersome.

With nothing of any real merit to add today, I just have to say, Henry Poole Was Here was just terrible.

Ignoring all the "should they, shouldn't they" arguments, why are they matching up someone with the artistic talent of Adam Hughs with someone of J. Michael Straczynski's caliber? After Street Fighter Wonder Woman and Superman's bizarre pontificating in Grounded, we're letting Straczynski have one of the most

I'm not saying the movie needs to be called Captain Marvel, just the character. I understand that the whole "Shazam movie title/Captain Marvel main character" deal might be confusing to the audience (for about 2 minutes, or until they say this character is Shazam, this character is Captain Marvel), but as much as I

Please, whatever you guys do, just hold off on the Captain Marvel movie until after you inevitably revert from Shazam back to Captain Marvel.

If this is indeed spoilery of something, it wouldn't be the first time. My Matt Smith Sonic Screwdriver that was released at the beginning of Season 5 has two settings that didn't show up until halfway through Season 6/in promo material for the second half of Season 6.

There's still a chance that her backstory will be explored as the show progresses; they didn't mention her parents at all, so we could get the whole Black Canary legacy going. They also don't mention her as Black Canary in that description, but if this comes to pass we all know where that's going.

I remain cautiously optimistic about the Green Arrow show, and this list adds to both of those sentiments. I love that Dinah Lance is listed second only to the show's title character, and this adds potential for this to be a show that really focuses on two main superhero characters as opposed to one (which I have

I hate to be that guy, but I did really loath Midnight in Paris, and am perturbed to say the least that it's garnered so many nominations. From a sci-fi/fantasy perspective, I did love the time travel part of it, and thought they handled that aspect well. But I thought it was the only aspect handled well, and it was

Or you can jerry rig your own Catan expansions, such as combining it (rather easily) with other board games like 7 Wonders to create an incredible hybrid board game which I like to call Wonders of Catan. Is it possible to copyright a combination of two separate, copyrighted things?

There were action figures of that show? On to ebay, then.