And he was voiced by Craig Ferguson, so I think he has to win some kind of award for best original villain in a kids cartoon.
And he was voiced by Craig Ferguson, so I think he has to win some kind of award for best original villain in a kids cartoon.
For me it was the focus of the prose. The writing itself was fine, but he would just be describing the burnt and charred countryside for chapters upon chapters while out there, somewhere, there were aliens. He would just rather describe ad nauseum the burnt trees than said aliens.
War of the Worlds. I made it about a third of the way through, and could not get any further.
I'm not necessarily doubting the direction, but the one currently coming out has its flaws, including the thus far lack of real reference to Mars, the drabbing up of the "incomparable" Dejah Thoris, and from the Japanese trailer, John Carter now has a dead family from earth. This pitch here is all fantastical space…
Even so early in its production, this pitch feels like what the Stanton should be but isn't. It readily acknowledges both the legacy of the character and the fact that it takes place on Mars, it doesn't try to overcomplicate one of the simplest adventure premises around with a pointless tragic backstory, and it isn't…
Blackhawks and OMAC are down, two of my three predictions for first blood of the New 52. (Suicide Squad was my third, though that more a hoping to be cancelled prediction). Fare thee well OMAC; like said you weren't half bad, unfortunately the other half wasn't all that interesting.
I'm undecided about it's chances of flopping, or even how much I want it either succeed or fail (considering that success means more movies). I'm a big fan of the books, and while I recognize that parts of it would need to be updated, the parts that appear to have been from the trailers aren't the direction I would…
I particularly liked Tintin, although it's hard to straight up call that a Speilberg movie, what with all the creative forces that went into it. I seem to be among a relatively small group that War of the Worlds left a strong impression on, so I'd consider it the latest, great, truly Spielbergian Spielberg.
I would say the lesson that needs to be learned from Green Lantern and Cowboys and Aliens is that Hollywood shouldn't try to force a story to be something it totally shouldn't be, such as forcing Cowboys and Aliens (which should have been a ridiculously awesome, totally crazy fun adventure) into being a serious drama,…
I know. I loved the both the large number and variety of his supporting cast, and in this relaunch we do not get a single one of them in the same capacity as before. (Not to mention characters based on the previous generations like Peacemaker and Dani Garret now don't even exist, which is extra infuriating.) I…
Remember way back when, oh say three, four years ago, when Jaime Reyes could tell his family about the Scarab, and there weren't any secrets between him and his parents, and we had a superhero who enjoyed having the awesome power of an alien gizmo at his beck and call, and he would use his alien superpowers to fly his…
Am I the only one who really kind of doesn't like Kelley Jones' Batman? The ridiculously over-muscled figures and excessively wrinkled capes have made it hard to try and get my family to read Knightfall. I have to keep telling them, "yeah, but in the comics nobody looks like that". Seriously, no cape needs as much…
You know I can totally see Frank Miller going to the grocery store and muttering to himself, "Ugh, free range chickens with their big brown ugly ass eggs, they piss me off. Every time I think about those big brown eggs they piss. Me. Off."
It took me years to get the true meaning of "Do or do not", mostly because my dad also got it wrong and would (incorrectly) use it to troll me every time I used the word "try" throughout the entirety of my formative years. I have come to take it not as a demeaning statement for someone who tried and failed, but for…
I have to toss this into the "so close and yet so far" category; namely, I'd love to see Kristen Bell in something DC related, just not in something that involves "bat-**** insane" Wonder Woman.
Well, to be fair, I remain pretty firmly convinced that Lost was an unspoken, loose adaptation of Jules Verne's Mysterious Island, so the cycle of ripping off is just coming full circle. That said, this one doesn't appear likely to make me watch pregnant women or teenage girls getting murdered, and it will probably…
Damn it, Miley Cyrus. With the already sketchy choice of Adam Sandler as Dracula, this pretty much torpedos much hope for a good movie. Such a shame, the rest of the cast was actually pretty good, and it was Genndy Tartakovsky's first directing gig for a theatrical release.
Green Lantern is starting to look better than what I've previously seen, and I;m begrudgingly accepting the CGI (even though, and I want to continue to make this clear, I would totally prefer the hand drawn look, or even possibly cel shading). But I am sick to death of jerky, modern Hal Jordan. I want Silver Age,…
I'm not sure I'd say not doing A Beautiful Mind precludes the possibility of a great movie being made, it just precludes a great drama movie being made. Cowboys and Aliens, for instance, could have been a great movie, its flaws (in my opinion) were that they tried to make it too dramatic. What could have been a…