Harrison Grey

Well, one of the more intriguing parts of the revisiting Khan idea is that they would be meeting (and presumably fighting) Khan for the first time; thus it wouldn't be Wrath of Khan they'd be doing over again, it would be the original Space Seed episode (which, while good, wasn't on the same level Wrath was. I'd

I'm gonna say it; I really want Arachnophobia to be on this list. Not only is it much scarier than, say, Cloverfield, but Arachnophobia did it without gore, in the age of the slasher film. It also has legitimate characters we're allowed to care about, as opposed to the general cannon fodder most modern horror movies

I normally dream in color, but I have dreamed in black and white (I think they usually occur around some times when I've had some external influence, like I was reading a lot of Calvin and Hobbes, especially the Tracer Bullet ones, and I had a black and white dream). Not only that, but I've had several animated

I might as well throw this out there, but Batman: the Brave and the Bold had "Menace of the Madniks" a time travelling episode with Booster Gold and Ted Kord (who was already dead in the present by this point), that amazingly sums up both ends of the spectrum the show was willing to go. It had Booster being

So Krypto's dead now? It's like someone at DC hacked into my brain, found everything I enjoy about the DC Universe, and is systematically eliminating all of it, one by one.

It's the attention to detail on this cover that really makes it.

Please, please, please tell me we're about to see a live action adaptation of this issue. (And please tell me I'm the first to make this reference.)

Brave Little Toaster needs to be closer to number one for its amazing ability to turn ordinary people into packrats. This movie was responsible for the phase I went through as a kid where I put googly eyes on all of the household appliances (they remained on the vacuum for years); and to this day, I hate to throw

That is the meanest damn commercial ever produced.

So far, I don't think so; I was actually referring to Cassie Sandsmark (during my first post I blanked and couldn't remember her civilian name). In her normal origin, she's Zeus's daughter. They haven't said she isn't still Zeus's in the Teen Titans, although they did mention that she stole a pair of gauntlets from

So does this mean she's half sister to Wonder Girl now?

I think you have to go in realizing this is basically just giving us a brief introduction to who the major characters are going to be, good guys and bad. It might be a bit annoying, but no moreso than any of the others I've read. All the number 1's have felt horribly incomplete, with the refreshing exception of

As far as the girls, I'm guessing Barbara and Donna on account of their hair. Redhead, brunette, and blonde is just the right combination.

I'm still upset about Brave and the Bold ending, and it being replaced by this isn't a good sign (going by the animation, at least).

Too bad Cloverfield decided not to have a score for the whole thing, because I would have voted for Roar in a heartbeat.

Just want to say thank you to io9 for this. I can't believe how unnecessarily difficult DC (in whatever media) has been making the whole Wonder Woman costume thing. When the TV show costume was revealed the first time and I heard so many people saying how difficult it would be do a faithful version of the costume

I'm not sure Wash's death gets to count as cool. It was moreso just mean.

Doom Patrol. How are they not on here. Either the comic book version or the Brave and the Bold adaptation (which are really, nearly exactly the same). It was the impossible choice like the Joker's boat bombs in the Dark Knight, except 40 years earlier.

If you are so inclined to read the Doom Patrol, I'd just say try to make it past the first several issues. Giffen clearly was harking back to the original series the most but was trying to keep all the continuity in between including Grant Morrison's addition that "Holy crap, you guys, that sweet old Chief in his

Watched the whole thing again and I only counted one shush on Craig. It looks like he shushes the shop girl twice, but it the second time he's just elongating the name Shondra.