Harrison Grey

I'm not normally one to call people on typos, but it says Johnny Quest up there when I think you mean Johnny Test. The reason I say this is because I had a brief freakout session when I thought there was a new Johnny Quest that I hadn't heard of yet, but alas, that was not the case.

I'm checking it now, he does say "it only works once", which is why he can't do it to the baby the second time. If he does it more than once for Craig sounds like either writer's minor mistake or else Craig just shut up like normal when shushed.

I gotta throw this out there: the Doctor's shushing trick wasn't that it works on baby's or the weak minded, the Doctor says it works on every human but only for once in their life. He does it to Craig, but he only does it once to the Stormy.

Definitely. Case in point, Keith Giffen's run on the Doom Patrol for roughly the last two years. It's something he says he's been wanting to do for years, and the level of love for all versions of the Doom Patrol shines through so much it's palpable. When it came to an end at the beginning of Flashpoint, you could

This may not be as bad as they've been, but I get the feeling that this is the most obsessed with commercializing everything. Series are cancelled and started and are forced to revolve around crossover events all in an effort rake in the cash (or desperately hold on to the little money coming into the industry,

I must be reading the wrong (or right) comics with Lady Shiva, but I never saw her defeated (except by Prometheus, who was cheating) in the comics I've read, so the her reputation in my book remains untarnished. I'm going off of Birds of Prey (Gail Simone's two runs), Knightfall, and the Robin (Tim Drake) book with

Gotta say that out of all the comics I've seen so far, Blue Beetle is feeling the worst sting of the new Universe. Specifically, part of what made the first one so much fun all those (five) years ago was the legacy aspect to the character (him being the third generation of Blue Beetle, not to mention the explanation

They've confirmed Death in the Family, RIP, Knightfall, and Killing Joke. Also, since Damian is still around, it means that Batman had a child with Talia Al Ghul (assuming this was after he became Batman) within the last 6 years. So, unless Damian is magic, he can't be any older than 5. The lengths they are going

Okay, wow. I have actually been thinking a full out reboot to start things over every other decade or so would be a good idea, exactly for those same reasons. This is kind of uncanny, and I'm glad someone else out there has the same ideas. I might add the universe reboot idea would also allow certain cycles of it

Am I the only one who's still unconvinced that Joss Whedon would have been right for Wonder Woman? His action hero women (that I've seen) are a little too ball-busting badass chicks for the peace making, nurturing Woman Woman and the Amazons. Philipus fits his style, but the rest of the Amazons have the style of

I'm actually a little less concerned about casting (right off the bat), and more worried about the script, and the direction they go with the character (which would affect the way they cast her.) If we get someone who wants to do Wonder Woman right and has a powerful, strong woman who is at the same time nurturing

I'm kind of torn on this episode; on the one hand I highly respect it and see how all of the things that happen are objectively good and as they should be, but on the other hand this isn't really what I got into Doctor Who for. I got into Doctor Who because of Stephen Moffat's "everybody lives" moment in The Empty

I'm pretty sure that cancelling Mystery Science Theatre 3000 (in addition to the other challenges they forced upon the show while they had it) counts as a pretty grave mistake.

I will consider it a colossal injustice if Mystery Science Theatre 3000 doesn't get within the top 5. There's some fantastic themes on here, but few (if any) others can really sum up their show or get me as excited for it as that one. That theme made my childhood.

If we're just looking at the effect this has on this one film, Superman losing his underwear for the movie is one of those things where I'm annoyed, but will get over it if the movie's good. However, there's two major problems I don't like about this decision.

Rosario is my choice for the toughness, but would agree she hasn't yet exhibited the ambassador side. I'm just saying if she's capable of that, I'd be okay. Also, I've really only seen her in Shattered Glass, Men in Black II and as a voice in the Wonder Woman animated movie, so I'm not up to date on her classiness

I've heard some people who've been complaining about a lack of diversity in superhero casting suggest non white actors for traditionally white roles (like Will Smith as Superman) and while I'm against it for certain of the major characters out there (Superman or Batman, for instance), I'd totally be all for it with

When he died in Gail Simone's run, it was just a really big explosion (Deadpool's bomb, of course). The healing factor did bring him back eventually, but it wasn't working well on it's own (it was split between three people because of close proximity to a powerful telepath at the time of said explosion). I think the

Read either the Gail Simone or George Perez runs on Wonder Woman. Perez made so many additions to her whole mythology, making it particularly epic, and Gail Simone particularly strengthened her role as a peace making ambassador (best exemplified by a conflict with a rogue Green Lantern where she stops fighting and

JT Krul.