Harrison Grey

I understand they're going for realism, and that the Burton Batmobile (for instance) would be completely implausible for this version. I just think they could make a perfectly believable version of the Batmobile that looked more like a version from the comics (other than Frank Miller's). My idea had never really

Nice to see someone brave enough to try an action cartoon starring a female lead (generally, actions cartoons, which are presumed to be aimed at boys, avoid major female characters, at least at first, for the lack of action figure potential, because they think boys won't want to buy girl action figures). Hopefully,

All the little details that I recognize from the books are pretty exciting; the anti gravity leaping, the light beams that I'm assuming are part of the atmosphere factory, the mausoleum that only opens from the inside and the whole Burroughs frame.

Am I the only one who actually wanted to see the Batmobile evolve from shapeless Tumbler to something closer to the sleek classic shape. The Tumbler was acceptable as an early prototype, but I wanted to see his vehicle grow with his caped career, and having it blow up in the last movie was a perfect opportunity to

Gotta say, I prefer Silver Age, non evil Chief. I liked the team being like a support group for people in debilitating accidents, where therapy involved fighting crime, as opposed to one evil dude and a bunch of people he hurt working for him for some reason. Keith Giffen's run didn't really take off until they

Not only do I want a Doom Patrol movie, but I want to direct the Doom Patrol movie, and I have wanted to for several years now.

Not only do I want a Doom Patrol movie, but I want to direct the Doom Patrol movie.

Hmm, where does hacking your Animal Crossing town to rearrange the landscape fall?

Wonder Woman may have begun as a character similar to other existing characters at the time, but under the right writers like George Perez and Gail Simone, she's flourished into one of the finest characters out there (as long as DC isn't screwing with her too much). The whole Gail Simone run was out of this world