Harrison Fjord

Stupid questions are probably going to beget insults. Once more, with feeling: Do Not Click On Articles You Would Not Like To Read.

There sure is! It's a revolutionary new plugin that takes a bit of time to get working correctly, but it's got a catchy name: "Do Not Click On Articles That You Would Not Like To Read." While it is theoretically possible to maybe get suckered in to clicking on an article that you would not like to read, this plugin

Kotaku may not be as outright toxic as Gamespot, but it's still pretty bad. Really, it's the mealy-mouthed crap that gets to me - it's always got to be some shit like "Why are you forcing us to read about the Gay Agenda? It should be about the games!!" so they have just enough wiggle room to backpedal with, "When did

This entire comment section is hilarious. It never fails: Kubrick's films are boring sacks of shit that everybody only pretends to like, but everyone who stopped thinking Kojima is a genius after they turned 16 just doesn't have the patience or taste to understand his artistic genius.

I was just about to post his - the skimpy little Homeworld 2 booklet was like the final sign that there would be no more game manuals with amazingly intricate backstory.

Blech. Sometimes I feel like I missed an opportunity by not skipping college to sell bejazzled dog collars at 10,000 bucks a pop to stupid people with too much extra cash.

I knew somebody who was an EMT - his and his coworkers' hangover cure was to hook themselves up to IVs, take a 5 minute nap, and clock in. I've got this weird feeling that that's exactly what these people are selling.

I just had to say, your work over on Dead End Thrills has been pretty damn inspiring. I've actually been working on adapting your tips to use for recording machinima in 4K, and the footage I've gotten so far does look promising. So, thank you!

I remember seeing a comment the other day by someone claiming that nobody takes gaming communities seriously because of things like Xbox Studio's upcoming bro-tastic bro-down of a web series.

I'm OK with this. The anticipation of racing home from the store to rip off the shrink wrapping and read the manual while waiting for the game to install was an aspect of gaming that will always trump listlessly checking Facebook while waiting for the download the finish.

You don't seem to have a problem with using rape and murder to score points in an internet argument, though.

Here's the fun thing about that claim: the 2009 Doran study is not the only source claiming the 97% figure. You're cherry picking, and using your own ignorance of the scientific process as some kind of lame 'gotcha.' If you think that there is evidence contrary to the scientific consensus, then yes you are claiming

I'm surprised that it took that long for a "hurr durr Patricia" comment to pop up.

If that type of behavior is how you "play," then it's not the other person's fault for being bothered by it - it's your fault for acting like a piece of shit.

"Hey Jim, love the camera work you're doing on the new trailer! But, according to this tape, you're going to need to fade out and fade back in to the same shot with maybe a 10 degree change in the angle. And you're going to need to do that about 5 or 6 times in a row. Really drive home that OUR girl has tits AND a

And then you try to explain to them that you're not going to pay for the privilege of working a second job, and you get a form letter trying desperately to look like a termination letter from a real job that just ends up looking like a 15 year old spent way too much time clicking through Word's thesaurus and still


If we could just get rid of northwestern Iowa, that would be fantastic. East of Des Moines is wonderful, but west of the capital it's wingnut Steve King land.