It’ll end up at the Supreme Court which is one of many many many reasons that the Democrats need to treat the Republicans to their own medicine and permanently block Trump’s Supreme Court nominee.
It’ll end up at the Supreme Court which is one of many many many reasons that the Democrats need to treat the Republicans to their own medicine and permanently block Trump’s Supreme Court nominee.
This was the most inspired move by SNL in a long time. You just know its going to get under EVERYONE’S skin in the Trump Admin. Everyone knows Trump watches SNL like a hawk, here’s hoping next week’s Alec Baldwin ep is 100% Trump jokes. They fucking owe it to us after giving Dear Leader a whole show to himself.
The sooner people realize McCarthy is in the top 5 of the funniest people who ever lived ever the better off we’ll all be.
While the “outsider” who was going to “drain the swamp” hosts a fundraiser at Mar-a-lago for Republican leadership his second week on the job.
I don’t know if anyone saw the previous video I posted, but the two brothers have been reunited and you can see them here:
Please don’t ungrey the trolls. Even if well intentioned. Drawing attention to how stupid they are by ungreying them sin’t going to fix anything. If anything it derails meaningful conversation because everyone focuses on calling out the troll that before you know it he’s at the top of the threads. If you see a troll,…
Now’s a good time to remember that far-right and white nationalist groups intentionally get their members into law enforcement, and that law enforcement structures are often quite friendly with those elements and far-right politics in general.
It’s not that being nice is difficult for these people, it’s that being a fucking racist monster is unbelievably easy.
I wonder how many Blue Lives Matter people will support this woman. I’m going to take a stab and say zip.
“Daddy, why do I not learn the same things as you did? Why do you have to teach me all over again when I get home?”
“Because in 2017 I got this sweet digital sword upgrade and America got Betsy DeVos. Also your voucher only covers the A & Bs. Everything else is an additional fee.”
This is exactly why the right is constantly talking about paid trolls and paid protesters. Because they do it!
And the right wing constantly accuse the left of using payed protesters. Project much?
No, nobody thinks these people are being activists. They think activists are compelling the company’s capitalist tendency to want money. So that’s why pressure is being applied. It’s literally what a boycott is for - to hit people in the wallet and force them to do things they wouldn’t do otherwise.
Because that’s what fashion licensing is.
Hey maiszutalors, stop being an utter and complete dick, okay? I looked through your post history. If you’re miserable, go somewhere else with it.
Come on Nordstrom, by not selling her clothes line you’re putting good Americans out of work.... oh that’s right, our America first president still hasn’t opened his big yap whether he’s moving the manufacturing of his shitty things back to our shores (my guess he won’t move anything back, putz)
This will bother Trump more than protests.