
I work within a 5 minute walk from the Oklahoma City Bombing memorial.

I encourage everyone to read up on Timothy McVeigh’s political ideology.

He was a white nationalist, isolationist, 2nd amendment enthusiast, distrustful of big government. He and Michael Fortier drew up the diagrams of how they would blow up the OKC

I’m going to just say this again. Please don’t ungrey the trolls. Even if well intentioned. Drawing attention to how stupid they are by ungreying them sin’t going to fix anything. If anything it derails meaningful conversation because everyone focuses on calling out the troll that before you know it he’s at the top of

Their eyes are open, just too busy counting that sweet for profit education lobby money.

Give it another week, and they’ll be blaming Frederick Douglass for not doing more to help inner cities.

well if we are all dead that does explain why Frederick Douglass is still around

I watched it live and the whole thing was truly bizarre.

and as per usual he made it all about himself, because nothing else matters

The only black people he discussed with any substance were related to him in some way - Carson, in relation to his appointment to HUD, some CNN person who says nice things about him, and Omarosa. He couldn’t find anything substantive to say about any of the actual well-known luminaries of black history he name

We’re obviously all dead and in hell, there’s no other explanation for any of this. Kinda like in The Sixth Sense, we’re dead but don’t know we’re dead.

i sent a similar group text. no response.

The bra doesn’t have anything to do with the panty. I’m confused.

I’ve been looking at it for a minute trying to decide if it’s all just a joke and was totally suppose to be that awkward. Awkward family photos are basically an art form at this point.


Good for them, babies are great. That photo, though....that’s pretty fucking awkward.

We can pay attention and organize continent-wide protests. In Canada we can urge our PM to put his money where his mouth is on indigenous rights, and not participate in Keystone until the local community’s concerns have been addressed. We can put public pressure on local authorities with Amnesty-style letter-writing

Good people will be willing to put their lives on the line for this. Bad people will be willing to take it from them, with glee, under the color of law.

My husband and I took a Lyft home from the airport protests at SFO this weekend. We were speaking with our driver about it and he asked if we could also please go to Standing Rock. He grew up there on a reservation and had been part of the protests up until he moved to California just a few months ago. I asked him

My heart just sunk when I read this. I had the same reaction. People are going to get hurt.

Came to say the same thing. I have a bad feeling someone will die.