Jesus Christ, even as a pretty liberal Dem, I knew you’d somehow shit on a deceased 92 year old woman. She wasn’t Maya fucking Angelou, but she was still a nice lady.
Jesus Christ, even as a pretty liberal Dem, I knew you’d somehow shit on a deceased 92 year old woman. She wasn’t Maya fucking Angelou, but she was still a nice lady.
OK, I read the part about how the mom lied to doctors about the kid’s condition, but... these are medical fucking professionals. They can tell whether a kid is sick or not, whether he has cancer or not, whether he needs certain tests or not. I get that some of these might be necessary but... 13 fucking surgeries?…
Something I haven’t seen reported much from the earnings call was the S and X deliveries and orders are continuing to rise.
Further delays could only be expected to benefit Tesla rivals, who are rolling out all-electric cars themselves that carry similar specs to the Model 3.
Let me go and hop on my enginecycle....
This must be disappointing for those who want to remember Bush as a stand-up kind of guy.
It worries me how many of these people recieved little to no experience prior to getting a license...
The FBI spent ten years and millions of dollars trying to track down someone with the initials ASS.
LS miata
My initial reaction would be to tell him he ought to be ashamed of this record, to take some pride in himself and work to get better. But coming from me, I doubt he’d listen. After all, who am I to Judge?
Dude, every pickup game you play in has one guy who can dunk. Just because you can’t doesn’t change the fact that lots of people can. And you destroyed your own point by saying as someone with the skill set to hit a ball, you’d have a .0001 percent chance to hit a home run. Exactly! It’s almost impossible even if you…
I’ll wager that 95% of the people commenting that a homer is easier couldn’t put one over the fence in beer league softball.
i’d like to know how many homerers can dunk and how many dunkers can homer
I want to take everyone who votes “homer” and walk them from home plate to the outfield fence. IT’S SO FUCKING FAR.
There’s absolutely no way it’s homer. I know people who played minor league ball and they have all said unless you played in college you have zero chance of hitting the ball more than about 175' with a wooden bat. Or, more eloquently, you could maybe crank one out of a little league field if you hit it straight at the…
More people can dunk.
I imagine there are more reasonably athletic tallish people out there who can elevate enough to dunk badly than people with the combination of technique and strength to jack a donger.
Trump alreasy identifies these yokels as “his people”.
If you don’t read EVERY communication from Ole Miss in the voice of Foghorn Leghorn, and start every paragraph by mentally adding “Ahh say, Ahh say...,” then what are we even doing here?