
That happened to me this past year too. Granted I was in a pretty bad phase of drinking beforehand and could put away a bottle of wine without blinking an eye. Then all of a sudden it just changed. Now if I have more than two drinks of anything, I feel like absolute shit the next day and can barely function.

Wine and beer are not good for me either. I will feel sick and get a headache very quickly. Drinking at all has become a pretty rare event. A lot of people say light/clear drinks are less trouble than dark ones, but for me I’m safest with any spirits really.

I think I went through this phase. I could only drink gin and tonic or I would feel like I was going to puke. It passed. I had to cut back on drinking for a few weeks and then start slow.

Yup, my body has decided alcohol it’s not a friend. I haven’t really found anything worth drinking - something that won’t trigger headaches, insomnia, dehydration etc - so I don’t know how to help. Just commiserating here.

Oh I think I went thru this phase-are you trying to mix more than 1 type of alcohol (not in 1 glass but throughout the night)? If so stop and def limit yourself to 1! And lots of water. And I am always dehydrated so I like to have a nuun tablet (dissolves in water and gives you electrolytes) before I know I will have

I actually asked my (Native) husband about this just the other day. He doesn’t mind children dressed up for Halloween or school projects. He is slightly uncomfortable with adults dressed as Native Americans at Halloween. He has no problem with girls wearing feathers at music festivals. He isn’t fond of non-Native

Not First Nations but a teacher, and any school that assigns students to create/wear Native American dress for a school project is not being culturally sensitive, and should probably read up on cultural appropriation. If someone marries into another culture and is considered part of that culture, I think it would be

Have you tried E-lance? They may have changed their name but I think you'll get there googling.

Thank you for this reference. Filipino Mr. Dorothy and I can’t hear the word without making a dark joke about it.

Boy do I feel like a fool!

Whatever bra I wear comes off as I’m walking in the door.

I consider getting out of my jog bra post-run to be a workout in itself. A high-stakes yoga, if you will.

My problem is the lack of pockets in yoga pants, so my version of athleisure is hiking pants. It’s not quite as cute but at least I have lots of pockets.

Knit skirts forever.

This is true for all bras fo me. I jumped all over the bralette craze but even those come off within second of getting through my front door most days, especially in this gross summer heat.

I find lightweight hiking pants to be much more comfortable than workout clothes. And I can wear most of them to work without looking like I just came from the gym.

The ‘Now with less clam’ made me laugh so hard.

Meth is faster!

there’s no such thing as “too poor for recreational drugs”

When I was like ten years old, I got an “I Tried” trophy at a summer bowling camp. True.